Prom Queen

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~Courtney Miller~
Tw: Body shaming

I hope you enjoy this! This is fem reader. I wrote this like nonstop until I passed out for the past like 2 days. Btw Smosh is going to become a regular in this book now. Enjoy!


I couldn't have been dreading this week more than anything.

I turned off my alarm with that thought ringing through my head. I hate everything right now.

Getting up to do my normal routine of brushing my teeth, picking out an outfit, which consisted of sweatpants and a hoodie, and doing some light makeup, I trudged into the bathroom to start it.

With the routine itself taking about 45 minutes, I grab a water bottle and a granola bar and eat on the walk to school.

The 10 minutes of blasting music in my headphones while being alone was bliss. I would take these ten minutes over any school day where I was crowded with populars, non-populars, nerds, geeks, and whatever other label you could possibly think of.

Now usually I'd care less about school and the people in it but this week was going to kill me, maybe even literally. This was the week before prom, where everyone who was too lazy to ask, which was basically the entire high school, asked their significant other or a friend to prom.

I wasn't worried about getting asked, oh no, I was worried about the induced teasing that would commence with this week. I had to beg my friend not to do a promposal for me because they knew how embarrassing it would be for me, the school fatty to not be asked to prom so their friends had to do it to make her feel special. I did not want that title. I knew if they didn't, this week would be more bearable.

I walked into the school after taking several deep breaths, preparing for the same ridiculous names and the same stupid phrases I heard since the beginning of 9th grade. In less than 2 seconds of me walking through the doors, I was bombarded with,

"Oh my gosh, do you think she'll be able to fit into a prom dress looking like that?"

"She'll have to find a date first being dressed like that."

"She could stand to knock off a few pounds."

"She's just ugly and that's that. Nothing she can do about it, she doesn't even go full out in gym."

The same old same old but throw in some childish nicknames like 'fatty', 'miss piggy', and 'rhino'. It was all incredibly stupid, I was a bit chubby, so what?

I walked passed them and to my locker before being greeted by Shayne, my lifelong best friend.


"Hey dude." I grunted.

"Ok, what is it?" He questioned.

I raised my eyebrows at him before responding with a simple "nothing"

"Well that's a lie if I've ever heard one!" He stated.

"Let's talk about it later Topp, ok?" I asked in a pleading tone.

"Ok, there's Courtney anyway, I'll catch up with you later right?" He asked walking away.

"Oh yeah definitely! Go pop it up!" I yelled as he disappeared with the group.

Oh yeah, Courtney, most popular girl in school, corny, I know right. She was everyone's ideal everything and had everyone's ideal everything from body type, to girlfriend material, to style, to makeup, and even down to her personality! She was kind and pretty and I couldn't help but have a crush on her. It was the worst thing my heart and brain could have conspired on. It would be so much easier to live my life if I didn't have a crush on the Courtney Miller.

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