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Tw: Bad writing
This is a god/goddess reader. Lmk if you want a part 2! Enjoy!

Glossary: Y/N: God/dess of love, peace, and the seasons

Elithon: (Eli-athon) God of mortality and karma

Carter: God of food and war

Urcle: (pronounced Ur-sell) God of power

Pertheus: God of earth

Mercedes: Goddess of the dead and the afterlife.

Ethel: Goddess of family

How could I be so stupid!

I did the one thing I should never have done

I've fallen in love with a mortal. A stupid mortal! But this one wasn't stupid. He was kind and caring and I love him. I wish I didn't because now I have to tell the gods of my love and find out their punishment for me. There has been to many incidents with gods falling in love with mortals. It also doesn't help that I am the god/dess of love, peace, and the seasons.

This is terrible!

I walk up to the palace and enter without knocking.

"Ah Y/N! How are you doing this fine day?" Elithon asked me sitting on his golden throne covered in skull symbols.

As I was about to respond with my current situation, I choked.

"I'm doing g-good. You?" I replied as polite as possible.

"Very well. I am doing very well. Are you ok?"

"I am fine. Just wondering how Carter was going to react when summer comes and if he will give the villages a good growing season."

"Well don't you control that?"

"Yes but he chooses things that do not grow well this time of year, when I send rain and Pertheus produces good soil, it still may not grow to its full potential." I answered.

"Oh yes. I doubt he'll do anything. He's to worried about them possibly going into war against that tyrant Urcle sent. He seems very upset at the fact he rules over power and isn't the leader" Elithon continues.

"Yes I did see he was a bit, distracted, if I do say so." I giggled a bit.

"Oh yes, he is hoping to delay a war in the villages as much as possible." Elithon continues.

"I would too. Urcle has always been very tyrant like." I added.

"Yes he has. Excuse me for a moment. I have a life to retrieve and bring to Mercedes." He gets up and leaves.

I walk into Ethel's corridor.

"Ethel? Are you here?" I call out.

"At the end!" She replies. I walk down to the last room in her corridor and enter.

"Hey Ethel."

"Hello Y/N!" She replies looking through her crystal ball while writing down what seems to be the final touches to a family in her journal.

"What are you working on?" I ask politely wondering which one of the lovers I paired together she was working on at the current moment.

"Oh this cute couple! Mason and Lilith. Remember them from 3 years ago?" She bubbles on excitement.

"Oh yes! I was wondering when it was their time. Their love was a very dramatic and long story but I'm happy for them!" I smile at the child Lilith has given birth to.

"Yes but you seem troubled. What is wrong?"

"I may have done something morally bad?" I sigh.

"Oh no! What?" She asks.

"I may have fallen in love with a mortal." I whisper.

"Well, I don't see why that's such a bad thing! You're the goddess of love, I don't see why it's so bad." She consoles me.

"It's bad because I went to tell Elithon and I couldn't. I'd feel bad for his loss of love that he had to take himself after I gave it to him. I'd feel terrible and I know he doesn't act in revenge but too many mortals have interfered in general with us." I respond.

"Well it's only love. I think you would be fine letting people know that you have finally found love after dreaming of it." She smiles at me.

"I guess but I think I'd feel bad or maybe they'd exile me. Some of them still seem to hold a silent grudge against me and Elithon for writing out someone's destiny." I sigh. "I'm also pretty sure our loves aren't intertwined. I'm a god/dess for my sake! I create love between people and I'm going to have to do it to him pretty soon."

"Well it will be hard if you do have to let him go and if not, we'll then you'll be happily in love I'm sure! I doubt he'll die alone. Not like you'll let him." She tries consoling me.

"You're right, I'm just so unsure of what to do." I tell her.

"I think you keep this to yourself until you're sure of what to do. Maybe if you get to know him you'll be more likely to let him go? I'm not sure cause then you could be good friends and can find someone perfect for him." She tries to take the edge off for me.

"Maybe. I think I'll go talk to Pertheus." I give a small smile and walk out.

I walk outside to Pertheus.

"Hello Pertheus." I greet.

"Hello Y/N. What can I do for you on this fine day?"

"It is a fine day isn't it? I was wondering if you could make me a little cave a bit far from the west village?" I ask.

"I can. May I ask the reason?" He also asks.

"If I tell you, you must promise to keep this between me and you. The only other person who knows is Ethel." I plead.

"Of course!" He responds

"I've fallen in love with a mortal and I must give him a bride to not only end my own suffering but because it is probably written in the stars. So I wish to meet him in mortal form and find out what he is like face to face so I can find him the perfect wife." I sigh.

"Well I can do that for you. I wish you the best of luck Y/N!" Pertheus waves at me as he creates my cave and I descend to land.

Hi I hope you enjoyed. I have an idea for part two so I might start that soon but let me know if you want it or not cause that influences what I write sometimes and when. I hope you enjoyed! Thank you

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