Youre not thinking Pt.2

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Tw: Cursing, alcohol, mentions of smut (not like that though)

This has been requesting only a few times but since I'm tryna get back into writing I'm gonna go for it! This is the longest imagine I've written since I've started writing. Since I'm in the mood again this went pretty well. Enjoy!


I woke up with a slight start. Only one thing ran through my mind but I wasn't sure if I dreamed it or it was real.

Adam loves me

No he doesn't

Maybe it wasn't real. Maybe I dreamed it, again.

I walked downstairs just to be greeted with a snoring Adam in the couch.

Even just seeing him give my heart a slight jolt and I respond to it with a small smile.

Breakfast. He's definitely going to want breakfast and probably an aspirin.

I immediately got started in breakfast making pancakes, because who doesn't love pancakes!

(If you don't like pancakes I will be disappointed)

Before I knew it I heard shuffling and groaning.

"Well good morning!" I hum.

"I feel like I've been hit by a truck." He moans.

"You almost were! I had to drag you back to the sidewalk because you were drunk out of your mind last night." I chuckled.

He just grinned and sat at the table. I made sure to leave water and Advil on the table.

"Breakfast should be done in 5 by the way!" I turn towards him with a smile. He manages to muster one back at me.

"So about me getting hit with a truck..."

~Mini Time Skip~
~Adam POV~

She looked so pretty. She always looked pretty.

She couldn't do anything that would make her less gorgeous.

Watching her sit there and work while the tv plays.

"Max invited us out by the way" I inform her refocusing my eyes back to the tv.

"I know. F/N called me about it too. They're so cute together don't you think! But I swear, like every time I do, if he breaks her heart I will break him." She giggles in reply.

"A simple 'I know, I was told' would've worked ya know." I reply with a chuckle training my eyes back to her.

"Hey! You're his friend! You can get the point across if anything. I have to remind people of promises don't I?" She looked up with a smile.

That damned smile. I swear I will never get over it.

My heart skips a beat and I focus back to the tv.

"So, are we going?" I ask.

"I would hope so!" She replies.

~Time Skip~

I was dressed and ready to go.

"Adam! Are you ready? I'm driving!" I called out.

"Yea give me one more minute! Promise!" He yelled back.

I grabbed the keys and my jacket and headed out to the car and waited for Adam.


Youtuber Imagines Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now