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Damien Haas (Smosh)
Tw: None I believe

I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you to Bigmacpapi for requesting this! I'm sorry it took like two months but it's finally here! I really hope you all enjoy!
(Barely edited)

~Second POV~

~Non-present time~

Quarantine at first was a bit rough. You had recently moved in with your boyfriend of a year. You were convinced he's your soulmate and never planned on letting him go, but getting used to the new schedule was taking some getting used to.

With your Broadway show closing about two weeks before quarantine started, you were out of work and just plain bored out of your mind. So you constantly called your boyfriend.

"Well why don't you just move in?" He asked you. You had only been dating for about a year, but you knew you wanted to marry him since you met him, so you agreed.

"I-I'd love too."

So you packed your bags and moved in and two weeks later quarantine started.

~Present Time~

"Babe I'm home!" You yelled through the door after checking the time. You made sure he wasn't streaming or anything because you haven't made anything exclusive to any of his audience yet.

"I'm just editing!" He yells back. You walk through the apartment that you shared and made your way to the kitchen. You took your time putting the groceries away humming a small tune while you did so.

"I'm not scared of lions and tigers and bears, but I'm scared of loving you." You quietly sang to yourself.

You soon finished putting the groceries away and walked in the direction of his office stopping at a picture hanging on the wall. You were facing the side and he had his arms wrapped around your waist and he was kissing your cheek. Most of his face was covered by yours but you could see it enough to the point you could see him smiling.

It was official. You were whipped for that man. Damien Haas had you wrapped around his finger and you didn't want it any other way.

You continued on your mission to your boyfriend's office. You stood over his shoulder and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Damien asked you.

"Oh because I just love you so much and you seemed like you could use one, besides when do you not appreciate my kisses?" You giggled.

"I always appreciate your kisses!" He gasps and leans back in his chair to press a kiss to your lips. You immediately kiss him back and smile.

"That's what I thought. Now I'm going to start dinner soon. You want something before I start? Like tea?" You ask him.

"Tea actually sounds amazing if you don't mind." He responds with caring eyes and you can't help but melt and give in to him.

"I never mind." You tell him and give him another quick kiss before leaving the room.

~Time Skip~

You got up before Damien and decided to make some breakfast. You made your way towards the kitchen and open the cabinets and thank yourself for going shopping yesterday. You decide to make a smoothie for yourself and some waffles with homemade hash browns. You start prepping and as soon as you reach the end of cooking you hear Damien footsteps shuffling towards you.

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