You're Not Thinking

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So F/N= Friends name if that wasn't clear. Italics like this are your thoughts. This is is cute and I like it. Ok so maybe it's not cute but it's nice. Enjoy
(This is a repost)


"Adam are you ready?!" I yelled down the hall to my roommate and best friend. "Yeah, come on!" He yells back. I grab my phone and keys and slip on my shoes and head downstairs. I stop at the bottom as Adam looks up. "How do I look?" I ask. "Gorgeous" He answers. "Thank you! Now come on, F/N and Max are waiting for us!" I reply and walk out the door. Adam trails behind me shutting and locking our door and we get into the car.

~Time Skip To In The Middle Of The Car Ride~

"So Y/N, you're dressed up a lot nicer than you usually do for bars." Adam states. I blush a little and smile. "Well I'm trying to get off the singles list ya know? I'm ready to meet someone." I reply. I'm ready to be with you. I think to myself. "Oh. Interesting." He takes a quick glance at me and trains his eyes back on the road. I could hear slight disappointment in his voice to my answer. It had to of been nothing.

~Time Skip To Parked At The Bar~

~Adam POV~

"F/N! Max!" Y/N says as we enter the bar and greet our friends. "Omg hey! I'm so glad you guys made it!" F/N exclaimed. I smiled at her and gave Max a fist bump. "So Y/N are you going to find someone to go on a date with?" F/N asks. Y/N nods and I can't help but feel heavy at her response for some reason. Max drags me to the bar after telling F/N that's where we were going.

"So what about you? What are you doing?" He asks and sits down waiting for the bartender to get our order. I take a seat next to him and sigh. "I don't know. Somethings not right. I can't just tell Y/N and I'm not even sure it's real." I reply. The bartender comes down. "What can I get you?" He asks. "I'll take whiskey" Max replies. "I'll have a Budweiser" I respond. The bartender nods and heads down getting other orders and our drinks. "Well, do something." Max says. "I know." I reply.

The bartender comes back and Max finishes his drink almost instantly. He stands and smiles at me before getting up to go dance with Y/N and F/N.
Y/N is getting hit on by some guy. She seems to be enjoying herself though.

"Hey bartender!" I shout down the bar. "Yes sir?" He replies. "Give me your strongest stuff and keep it coming." I state and he scurried off.



I sit down for a bit for like the tenth time. I've been dancing and drinking and I met this nice guy named Logan. He's not Adam though. Shut up! Logan will do. I like Logan.

I order a beer and hear intense (Oof Ik but it makes sense to use this word so get ready) giggling. I look over to see Adam taking down drinks and talking to people. Some, it seems like, he's flirting with while acting childish and spinning on his chair at the same time. I walk over and look at everyone. "Scram. This is my boyfriend." I snap so I can check on Adam. "Huh then where were you?" One f the girls ask. "Dancing and in the bathroom. Now go!" I yell and the girl scoffs at me before walking off. The rest follow her actions. I sit down and look Adam in the eyes.

"Adam? Look at me." I tell him. He faces me with the biggest and goofiest smile but his eyes are completely clouded over. He's hardcore drunk. "Heeeey it's Y/N!" He slurs at me. "Come on. You need to get home." I tell him and help him stand up to go look for F/N and Max to tell them we're leaving. "No! I was having fun!" He responds. "Yeah a little to much fun." I whisper and drape his arm over my shoulder. He can barely stand up, I don't even want to know how he walks.

We scramble and stumble our way out the bar after finding Max and F/N. I drop Adam into the backseat of his car and grab his keys out his pocket. "Oh getting frisky are we?" Adam smiles. "No but someone could have stolen these easily." I told him dangling the keys in my fingers. I shut the door and slide into the drivers seat. I look at Adam in the rear view mirror and find out he's fast asleep. Easier for me.

~Mini Time Skip Technically~

I finally got Adam out the car. "Why are we at my house?" He asks. "Because we live here?" I reply. "How do you know where I live? Why do you live in my house?" He asks with a frightened tone. "Because we're roommates silly." I chuckle and slowly walk him up our walkway. "Oh. Well my roommate Y/N is really nice." He states. I shake my head and roll my eyes. I just told him I'm his roommate. He's really drunk. I think to myself. I get him inside and on the couch finally. "So hey you know my roommate Y/N?" He asks. I shake my head and reply with a "No. Tell me about her". He smiles like he was a child given a lollipop. "Oh man Y/N. She's so nice, and smart, pretty, no scratch that GORGEOUS, and caring and- don't tell her I said this because it would make her feel weird." He states and then whispers as he ends his sentence. I nod and he motions me to come closer so I do. "I'm in love with her. I wasn't sure before but after tonight there's no denying it. I love that woman." He (again here we go) giggles to himself and I take a step back shocked. Theres no way. "Adam you're not thinking but I promise I won't tell." I whisper back and shake my head at him. "No! I know what I said! I think. But don't tell her!" He whisper yells at me. I sigh and tuck him in after removing everything but his boxers. "Ok I promise." I whisper and watch him fall asleep almost instantly. I get ready to head up stairs before making a double take back at Adam. I sigh and walk over and kiss his forehead. "I love you too." I whisper back and head upstairs not noticing the giant smile plastered on his face.
This was good. I like this. Tell me if you want a part 2. If you do it will probably be short and sweet. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading.

Youtuber Imagines Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now