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Tw: Heartbreak, bad writing

In this story Shelby is meant to be pansexual so that the reader can be gender neutral. I hope the story makes sense. Enjoy

~Your POV~

Ring ring ring


"Hey, I didn't wake you up did I?"

"You did but you're my best friend so you're allowed. What's up?"

"I- I- We broke up again."

"Hey I'll be there in 15 ok? I'll have all the ice cream and snacks and movies you could ever want! Don't move!" I hung up the phone.

I was getting tired of this but I can't just stop. Its always been the same thing with them. They get together then they break up two months later!

Maybe it's time I tell her.

I get up and grab my keys and wallet and jump into the car and head to the nearest Wawa. I grab her favorite ice cream, drinks, snacks, and pay before getting back into my car and head to her house.

~Skip the drive~

Grabbing the bag of food I rush up the steps of her apartment and knock.

"Hey it's me and I have ice cream and I'd like for it to not melt!" I yell.

She opens the door and I slide through putting the food on her living room table.

"Hey. How're you holding up?" I ask in a whisper.

She leaps into my arms and sobs.

"Hey hey it's ok. You guys always end up ok." I wrap my arms around her.

"I don't know. He said it's over for real this time. No more. I love him though Y/N. I love him." She sobs.

"Hey come on. You'll find someone else. Promise" I whisper.


"Always! Now I have food and you have a bed with a tv that has Netflix. I say we take advantage of the situation!" I chuckle. She let out a small giggle.

"There's that laugh! Come on!" I grab her hand and the food and drag her to her room.

"Get comfy cause I'm turning on your favorite." I smile and she returns one.

Stop you make my heart flutter

I turn on her favorite movie and climb into her bed next to her and get comfortable. I wrap my arm around her and feel her lean into me.

I wish we could stay like this, I really do.

~Time Skip about halfway through the movie~

She was knocked out cold. I pull away slowly in attempt to not wake her up. I failed anyway.

"Don't go. Stay here, please." She whispers.

I lay down and wrap my arms around her once again in attempt to get comfortable. I leave a small kiss on her forehead and before I know it I'm sleep too.

~Next Day~

I wake up before her and make her favorite breakfast, pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I crack and whisk the eggs before I throw them in the pan next to the pancake pan. I'm moving back and forth halfway done with breakfast when she walks out.

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