Dance for you

358 2 4

Daniel Thrasher
Tw: Smut

I don't feel like I can write smut for my life so I hope this was good. This was requested by an anonymous source so thank you to them! I tried to match up the song with the writing so don't play until I say so! I hope it worked out well cause I listened to the song like 17 times to hopefully get it right, I think it just depends on how fast you read. The italics are the song obviously but the song in quotes is you singing it, just to be clear. Anyway I'm going on too much, enjoy reading!

This is the only smut that will stay up on my page because this was requested.


I was waiting for my boyfriend to walk into the restaurant. It was our second anniversary and I was excited to celebrate with him, but he seemed to be running a little late.

"I'm so sorry!" He apologized, as he rushed into the restaurant, "my phone wouldn't send my texts and my car stalled for a bit so I couldn't let you know I was running behind."

"Hey, it's ok because you're here now. Now sit down so we can eat and celebrate!" I giggled.

He flashed a smile and sipped his drink that I ordered for him.

~Time skip to the end of the dinner~
~Second POV~

You licked the final remains of your chocolate lava cake off the spoon. Daniel shifted in his seat at the sight, but not enough for you to notice.

"So I was thinking," You questioned, "I bought some wine recently and I think tonight is the perfect night to get into it, maybe at home? Pour us some glasses and finish off the night with a movie marathon?"

He looked up at you from his drink and smiled.

"I would love that." He beamed.

You both finished paying and grabbed your stuff. You got into his car and drove back to your shared home.

The car ride was mostly silent, at least between the two of you. You were singing and jamming out the your playlist while Daniel hummed occasionally so he could stay focused on the road. One of your favorite song came on and you couldn't not sing out loud to it.

Dance for you by Beyoncé.

Despite the sexual meaning behind the song, you loved it. Every part. (Sorry if you don't like her)

You immediately turned up the volume and started dancing and singing. (Play the song)

"I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you"

"Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you"

You moved your body to the beat and sang the words. You were feeling yourself and were lost in the moment. Daniel was sneaking looks at you as you danced and sang to the song. Usually you're both pretty goofy but you were so focused on the song you couldn't see what you were doing to him. You were setting him on fire with the way your body was rolling and moving to the song in sync.

You rolled the window down to let the wind run through your hair while you continued your moves. You felt the car stop and opened your eyes to see you're at a red light and look at Daniel while you sing and dance, trying to get him to join on the fun.

I wanna show you how much I really care about your heart

The car started again and you closed your eyes once more getting into the song even more as the car seemed to sway with your motions. Daniel sneaked more looks at you. He couldn't help but shift in the seat while his eyes continuously sneaked looks at you. Though seeing you so happy also made him smile.

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