Upset yet?

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Tw: Short, Bad writing

Read the A/N at the end please so I don't take up all the space up here. Sorry this is super super short


I walked through the doors of the mall with Kayla. We tried to be inconspicuous but that's hard. Before I knew it we were bombarded by paparazzi.

"Follow my lead ok?" I whispered.

I started posing as they took pictures of me and my best friend. We made faces, and did prom poses, we just made fun of ourselves for once. She got tired and saw Victoria secret.

"Let's go!" She squealed and dragged me.

I tripped, a bit startled, and ran to keep up.

~Time Skip~

I woke up and turned on the TV. The news was presenting a new headline, "Y/N, being herself and posing for the paparazzi after a crucial break up"

I smiled and all I could think to myself was,

"Are you upset yet?"

Hey I'm sorry this is so short. I have like several unfinished drafts I want to get done so I can upload but I lose motivation like halfway through and then don't finish. I want to get it done but I feel like if I force it it's gonna end shitty. Idk let me know what to do pls AND SEND REQUESTS CAUSE I HAVE RANDOM IDEAS AT 3 AM BUT I CANT EXECUTE THEM

anyways love you weirdos

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