Fall out of love

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~Crankgameplays aka Ethan~
Tw: Mentions of smut, Self harm, angst?, cheating (if that counts), OOC Ethan (if that counts too?), Long A/N (pretty sure that counts)

I do not think self harm is a good outlet. I want you all to know you are loved and deserve the world. Don't hurt yourself please. Please read the A/N at the end.


I grabbed the take out and headed towards Ethan's house. I was so excited to surprise him!

I jumped into my car and headed towards his house. It wasn't too late so hopefully he wasn't asleep after recording or whatever was on his schedule today.

I pulled into his driveway and got out the car with the food in my hand.

I bounded up his steps and into his apartment with a giant smile on my face, only for it to fade as I shut the door.

I was expecting anything but silence, because he was usually doing something that caused noise, though now I wish I heard silence instead.

I put down the food and heard what sounded like creaking and what I hoped wasn't moaning.

I cautiously walked down the hall and towards his room and out my ear to the door.

I was greeted by the worst sounds of the world.


I opened the door the slightest bit hoping it wasn't Ethan, but it was. I hit the door, stopping them in their tracks. The girl just smirked at me while Ethan sat there with a dumbfounded look.

I didn't let the tears that wanted to escape so bad, fall. I turn around and walk out leaving the food behind.

The car ride back to my house wasn't as silent as I had hoped. Ethan's face kept popping up every time he called along with his ringtone.

How was I so stupid?

How long has this been going on?

Am I really not enough?

I pulled into my driveway and just sit there. I wasn't sure what to do or what to feel besides numb.

You obviously weren't enough.

He was sick of you

What is wrong with you?

They won't stop.

I groan and rub my face, unsure of what to do. So I decide to just go in and go to bed.

Putting my phone on the charger, one last message from Ethan pops up,

'Can we talk tomorrow? Meet at our usual spot?'

I scoff.

Our usual spot? It's not ours now, is it?

I reply with 'yes' and climb into bed.

~Time Skip~

Walking to the small cafe that sits at the corner of an intersection, I can't help but let the thoughts run wild. The endless torment of 'why' haunts me.

I reach the cafe and pull on the sleek metal handle that's attached to the glass door. The building provides a nice refreshing blast of cool air and I enter with a smile on my face for the first time in awhile, until I make eye contact with him.

I stride over to the table and sit down across from him.

"Caramel frappe, extra shot of caramel with some cinnamon. Ya know, just the way you like it." He chuckles.

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