4. First Day of School

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Albus and Scorpius met up with Molly and Rose in the Great Hall at breakfast. "Have they given out the timetables yet?" Scorpius asked.

"Nah, I think Professor Longbottom will give it out later, after the owls come," Molly answered.

Just then, owls came flying into the hall. A snowy owl flutter down towards Albus. It was a letter from his mother, Ginny. "Who's owl is this?" asked Scorpius.

"Oh! It's my family owl, Hedwig Junior," Albus answered.

"Junior?" Travis asked as he took the seat next to Albus.

"My father used to have an owl named Hedwig, but then she died. Mum named her Hedwig Junior in memory of Hedwig Senior," said Albus.

"Do you guys have pets? I've brought a toad, he's called Raymond," Travis continued to talk.

"Well, I've brought a gray tabby cat, Millie. Rose's got a black cat, Shadow, and Albus' got a tawny owl, what's he called again?" Molly said.

"Oliver, James' called Oscar," Albus answered.

"I got a screech owl," Scorpius said, "He screeched so much I call him Screecher. But he is usually known as Screechy."

Papers fluttered down towards the students, Rose grabbed one and said, "It's our timetable!"

Scorpius got up and grabbed three, he passed one to Molly and one to Albus.

Travis grabbed one himself and said, "Oh wow!"

"Charms, Double Transfiguration, Herbology, Potions, History of Magic and Astronomy on Mondays. Defence Against Dark Arts, Potions, Charms, Double History of Magic, Astronomy, and Herbology on Tuesday," Albus read aloud scanning his timetable.

Rose continued, "Herbology, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Double Defence Against Dark Arts, Charms and Potions on Wednesday."

"Double Potions, Transfiguration, Defence Against Dark Arts, Astronomy, History of Magic and Herbology on Thursday," Molly read.

"And finally, History of Magic, Transfoguration, Double Charms, Herbology, Defence Against Dark Arts, and Astronomy on Friday. Wow, we're going to be very busy!" exclaimed Scorpius as he scanned his own timetable.

They ate their breakfast and hurried to their first Charms lesson.

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