James' POV
Merlin! I'm so nervous. It's the first task today, and I still don't know what it is. Obviously, no one knows. I asked Adeline and she said her Headmistress had been trying to find out for ages but failed. She said only the Department of Law Enforcement, the Auror Office and the Minister knew, since they organized the whole thing. I tried asking my dad the other day when I saw him in the corridor but he refused to tell me.
The champions had already gone in the tents, doing the last preparation for the task. I'm not allowed to go in now, buuut I did send Adeline a goodluck note this morning.
The task was held in the Quidditch field. Nothing changed though, except there was a podium in the middle of the pitch, but seriously, the Tournament shouldn't be just about Quidditch, right? So what is the first task?
I had come down here half an hour earlier, hoping to catch a glimpse for either what's for the task or Adeline. But what caught my eye, was my mum going in the champions tent.
I stopped her just before she went in, "MUM!!" I yelled.
She stopped and turned around, "James? What are you doing here? There's still half an hour before the task starts."
"Mum, I should ask you the same question," I said.
"The Daily Prophet asked me to do the news reports on the Tournament. So I've got to have a look inside the tent, ask a few questions and go out and watch the task. What are you doing here so early then?"
"Well, I want to know what the task is about. And..." I trailed off. I couldn't exactly tell mum that I love Adeline, right?
"You want to see the Glaemnonia champion?"
"How do you know?" I asked, horrified.
"Your dad told me. He saw you two chatting the other day."
"Right, I best be off."
"Wait mum, take me with you," I said, pulling her sleeve.
"No, James."
"Please mum?"
I sighed as I watched her walk in the tent.
"Was that mum?" Al suddenly tapped my shoulder.
"Merlin! Albus! You scared the heck out of me! And yes that was mum. She's going to do the news reports of the Tournament," I said.
"Where's Scorpius?"
"In the dorm, replying his parents' letter. He's quite upset."
"What's it about?"
"Family stuff. I picked up a few words about Violet, Leo and Gemini."
We sighed.
"So, what's for the first task bro?"
"No clue."
"Adeline didn't tell you?"
"She doesn't know either."
"Hey there," Scorp appeared.
"What's up mate?" Al asked.
"What?" Scorp said, confused.
"The letter," I answered.
"Oh that," he spat, "Well, I have to attend Leo and Gemini's wedding ball with Violet as my partner on New Year's."
"Oh." Al and I said simultaeniously.
"Hey guys," Rose yelled, running over to us, "Come on, let's go up to the stadium. Molly and the others are up there already."

Lasting Legacy
FanfictionWhat happens if the kids of Harry, Ron and Draco become friends? Their parents surely won't appreciate their friendship, but how will they make their parents understand that their friendship is important? This starts right after 19 years later and f...