27. The Quidditch Cup

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James' POV

Merlin I'm so nervous! The exams are only a week away! And I still haven't started studying! But the reason I'm more nervous than usual, is that the last Quidditch match this year is TODAY! AND, we are against SLYTHERIN, who tied with us. NOW, WHETHER WE WIN OR NOT, DEPENDS ON ME, THE SEEKER.

I groaned as Hazel gave us a speech. I wasn't listening at all. I was too deep in my own thoughts.

I trudged out the Quidditch pitch with the team. It was only when Madam Hooch released the Quaffle my attention snapped back to the pitch.

I flew around, searching for the snitch. As I flew closed to the Gryffindor section, I saw my classmates and Al, Scorp, Rose, Molly and Suzanne, screaming their lungs out, Al spotted me and screamed my name, and the others follow suit. I rolled my eyes.

Sighs and groans came from the Slytherin section. Hazel had just scored a goal. Yes! 10-0!

Just then, I spotted a flicker of gold right between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff section. I focused on it, and IT WAS INDEED THE GOLDEN SNITCH! I sped towards it, willing my broom to go faster.


I groaned. Shit. Now the Slytherin Seeker, Richard Swanson, is speeding towards me.

Luckily, he was just too far away and by the time he came, I had already swooped down and caught the snitch.

I raised the snitch for everyone to see. But then, suddenly, WHAM! The Slytherin Beater, Elvis Walters, had send the bludger flying towards me and hit my left arm. Ow!

I was now falling to the ground, and I fell ON MY LEFT ARM. Shit.

The whole Gryffindor Quidditch team was by me the next second. Then Al, Scorp, Rose, Molly and Suzanne came. Also my classmates. Even Professor Longbottom came. The Gryffindors at the stadium were screaming, screaming for me, or for our victory? I don't know.

My arm was burning, but I didn't care, everyone around me was clearly worried, but the grins were still obvious on the faces.

I noticed their grins and grinned myself, "We won didn't we? We got the Quidditch Cup, right?"

"Make way for me!" Madam Pomfrey rushed over to me, a simple flick of her wand and the pain subsided.

I moved my arm, it was as good as new. I stood up, everyone at the stadium except the Slytherins were cheering and screaming.

The next thing I knew, I was being tossed up by the Quidditch team and my classmates, along with Al and Scorp. After a lot of cheering and tossing, they finally lowered me down.

"Did you know you set a new record for the shortest Quidditch Game ever?" Al asked as soon as they lowered me down.

"Did I?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes! Dad's was five minutes! Yours was three and a half minutes! You broke dad's record!" Al shouted.

I looked at my brother, shocked, "Are you serious?"

"YES WE ARE!!!!" The whole Quidditch Team screamed.

"Come on! Let's go get the Quidditch Cup!!" Hazel shrieked.

Professor Flitwick presented us the Quidditch Cup. All the Gryffindors were on their feet, cheering for our victory. We had won the Quidditch Cup, for the first time since I became seeker.

We went up to the common room, where we partied for the rest of the day. We partied until Professor Longbottom came in and told us that it was midnight, and one by one we left.

That night, I lay on my bed, exhausted. The exams were clearly stressing everyone out, but it didn't matter to me that night. Gryffindor had won the Quidditch Cup, making us one step closer to the House Cup.

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