A month had past since the Gryffindors' victory of the Quidditch Cup. The exams were just over yesterday, and the results were announced today, right after breakfast.
As usual, the five friends went down to breakfast together.
They were unusually quiet the way down. All five of them were anxious about their results.
Moreover, they were hoping they did better than other houses, since the top five students will receive 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 house points respectively.
Down at the Great Hall, everyone was whispering in hushed tones. Everyone was anxious to know which house did the best.
Only one student wasn't thinking about her results. Instead she was calmly writing a letter, then levitated it to a plantinum blond boy sitting at the Gryffindor table.
Rose's POV
I was eating my porridge when a piece of parchment flew from the Slytherin table landed in front of Scorpius.
Scorpius took one look of it and stuffed it in his pocket roughly.
"What. Is. That?" Al asked.
"Just a letter from a certain Slytherin," Scorp growled.
"Please don't tell me this letter is from that pug-faced girl again, I'm sick of her always sending letters to you," Al groaned.
"What pug-faced girl?" Suzzy asked.
"Violet Goyle, Gregory and Pansy Goyle's daughter," Scorp growled, "my grandfather expects me to marry her before I turn 20, but no way am I marrying that idiot. If I put up a fight, mum will help me, hopefully. I don't think dad will really force me to marry her as well, grandmother too. She's ugly and annoying, and she's a bitch," Scorp spat the last bit out.
"When did you know about this, I mean you marrying her?" Molly asked.
"Right before exam. Seems like uncle Gregory and aunt Pansy visited my parents paid my grandfather a visit several years ago. My grandfather thinks it's a good idea for me to marry Violet and keep the pureblood line," Scorp groaned, "Ever since we knew, she has been sending letters to me everyday."
"Is it tradition to marry before 20?" I asked.
"Yes, it's tradition. Most pureblood marriages are arranged, I hope mine's not," Scorp shuddered, "I'm seriously going to talk to my parents about this. I can't stand marrying that pug-faced idiot."
Al was about to respond but Professor Flitwick had stood up and charmed his cup to make tinkling sounds to grab our attention.
Everyone quieted down at once, we all knew this must be about our exam results.
"Today we will be announcing your exam results. Even the OWLs and NEWTs. For the seventh year students, in fifth place, Armando Walters, Slytherin!"
The Slytherins cheered loudly, banging their goblets.
"Oh shut up, Slytherins," Scorp muttered under his breath.
"Scorp, your parents are Slytherins," I teased.
Fourth place goes to Fred, third and second places went to Ravenclaws.
"And finally, first place, our Head Girl Victoire Weasley from Gryffindor!" Flitwick announced.
"Holy shit! Yesss!" Victoire exclaimed.
The other years were a blur, I only know James got fifth. It was only when Professor Flitwick announced the first years did I really paid attention.

Lasting Legacy
FanfictionWhat happens if the kids of Harry, Ron and Draco become friends? Their parents surely won't appreciate their friendship, but how will they make their parents understand that their friendship is important? This starts right after 19 years later and f...