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(TW: mentions of losing a parent, abuse, cursing)

I really liked Annabeth.

She seemed really sweet, though at first, I got the feeling that she wasn't really inclined to the place. She seemed open to exploring though, and I was more than willing to show her around.

I had a lot of fun yesterday at Jason's, before the dinner, where my friends Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Rachel Dare, Connor and Travis Stoll, Katie Gardner, Calypso Nightshade, Beckendorf and Silena McLean were gathered. 

They all knew about Gabe, so it started out with a little free medical session, which was basically my poor ears stuffed with questions like : "Are you okay?" "Did that jerk hurt you too much?" "How're the ribs?" 

When I assured them I was okay, then it was seriously fun:

1. Leo making jokes and Calypso slapping him upside the head for them
2. Piper convincing Jason to let her win.
3. Rachel and Calypso discussing work, along with the operations and foundations they had taken part in.
4. Me trying not to laugh at Katie, whom Connor pranked by stuffing hot sauce in her bagel, and not succeeding.
5. Silena talking to Beckendorf, and him just staring at her. Some of us exchanged disgusted yet soft smiles.

 I didn't mention someone moving into the opposite house. I don't know why.

I left after a few hours, at around 6. Gabe left at around half past 6, giving me enough time to clean up the place, but not without throwing a few insults that I simply rolled my eyes at. 

When they turned up, Annabeth looked a little bored, like she didn't really know what to do there. While she wasn't too enthusiastic, her brothers sure were. Bobby and Matthew kept asking me questions, and I answered them, until they asked about my Dad. I got uncomfortable, but they didn't seem to notice. 

Then, Mr Cha- sorry, Fred, asked us to go to the backyard. There, Annabeth must've noticed one of my bruises, cause she kept staring, though thankfully, she didn't ask.

I must say, she looked simply ethereal in the moonlight. The light kept glinting off her blonde curls, and bounced off her smooth, slightly tanned skin, making her almost glow. She looked at the stars, simply amazed, and the moon and stars reflected off her stormy grey eyes, making them shine silver and glint in the moonlight.

Bobby asked me to push him on the swing, and I got up, swift pain shooting up my body from the punch, and my hand flew to my ribs. I didn't stay like that for too long though, as I felt Annabeth's gaze on me, and immediately jogged over to push Bobby. 

He laughed as I pushed him higher steadily, and Annabeth smiled. For a second there, I might've frozen in awe; her smile was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I resumed pushing Bobby, until their family called them over. 

When they all went home, Mom called me. "Percy!"

"Yeah?" I responded, walking over to her. 

"You know term at Goode begins in 2 weeks, right?" I nodded. "Well, Annabeth's gonna be going with you." I shrugged in a careless way, but when she wasn't looking, I smiled. I was happy.

I went to bed eventually, and after scrolling through my phone for a few minutes, I slept peacefully, nightmare-free, thinking about a certain blonde girl.


The next morning, I was awoken by a punch to the jaw. Typical morning, right?

I yelled in surprise.

He then smacked me again, and I felt blood where I bit my lip to keep from yelling again. Gabe finally left after this, and I stumbled over to the bathroom.  I repeated the procedure with the rubbing alcohol on my cuts, and then took a shower, threw on a black hoodie, pulling up the hood. 

I grabbed my keys, and made my way out of the house, to my favorite place in the world, other than my mom's house : Jupiter Cafe. Jason worked there, so I went there often. They had heavenly food, and the best coffee in town. 

I stepped in, and noticed the small details. The way the quaint bell shifted when I opened the door, and filled the cafe with its petite rings. The way the entire place smelled like fresh coffee and crusty bread, which I breathed in contentedly. The way the potted plants, lined up in the perimeter, shifted slightly in the sudden burst of wind when I opened the door. 

I also noticed that nobody was there yet, which I didn't mind. The lack of a crowd made this place quiet and comfy. I simply sat down in one of the booths, and looked out of the huge glass windows. It was a bit early, so not many cars were zooming around, and that made the greenery more relevant and beautiful.

I was sitting there, lost in my thoughts, with my hood pulled down, when Jason arrived. "Hey, Perce. How do you always arrive before I do?"

I turned to him without thinking, and his eyes caught on my face. He raised an eyebrow, to which I simply said, "Or maybe you're just late." I shrugged, daring him to say something.

"You're such an insufferable idiot sometimes."

"I simply adore you too. Anyways, what'd you guys do after I left?"

Jason shrugged. "Not much. The girls went home, and the guys stayed back for a movie and sleepover. Which explains my late arrival. Anyway, the usual?"

"You know it."

"Alright. On the house, by the way." He said. 

"Jason" I started, "You don't need to do that."

"Nah, it's fine. You need it." He said, going inside.

I sat there waiting, when the door-bell tingled again. I pulled my hood up, and I saw a familiar mop of blonde curls make it's way to the counter. I smiled.

"Look who it is." I said.

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