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Author's Note: A long overdue update. Enjoy :)

After returning home, I went to the library to return the book I borrowed, Moby Dick. It took me a little longer to finish, though it was one of the few classics I actually liked.

"Welcome back, dear. Liked the book?" She asked.

I smiled back at her, and gave it, along with the card. "Yeah, it's really interesting. I loved it."

She typed some things in her computer, before placing the book in a pile on her desk, and ripping the card, dumping it in the bin. "Feel free to pick out more books, sweetheart."

I nodded, and walked to the bookshelves. I looked around, and bumped into someone. Somehow, with some strong momentum, I fell on top of them, and they landed on their back with a thump.

I looked at them after awhile, my breath hitching when I noticed it was Percy. He was looking right at me, and I felt his heart rate increasing beneath my palm. I'm pretty sure he could feel my raised heartbeat too.

"Hi." I breathed out.

"Um, hey." He whispered.

We stayed like that for awhile, my eyes drifting back and forth his face. His lips looked pink and slightly chapped, and his eyes were wide, a tinge of pink on his cheek.

"Percy! Could you come over here, please?" I heard Becky call, though it felt like it was coming from under water. I snapped out of my reverie, and I saw Percy blink too.

I slowly clambered off him, shaking slightly. "Becky's calling you." I whispered.

"Yeah." He nodded, standing up too. We found it hard to meet each other's eyes.

"Sorry." I whispered, finding my frayed sneakers more interesting.

"Don't worry about it." He responded back, and I made the mistake of looking up. Our eyes met, and I got pulled into his gaze, letting myself get lost in the shades of unique ocean green. His gaze didn't waver either, and I felt slightly self conscious. Were my eyes, which were about as dull as a pencil lead, that intriguing to him?

"You should go. She's waiting." I said, but didn't make any attempt to move.

He nodded, and I broke the gaze. He walked away, and I caught my breath. What was that?

My heart was still racing, as I walked back and forth in front of the bookshelves. I exhaled forcefully.

I didn't just fall on top of Percy Jackson.

I didn't just stare at his face way too close up.

That didn't just happen.

I finally stopped, and looked at the bookshelves. 'You know what', I decided, 'forget about it. It happened by accident, and that's fine. Get back to your books.'

The last instruction wasn't that hard to follow, so I went back to rifling through the shelves. I didn't really feel like reading another classic, so I went to another section. I didn't really know what I was looking for, but I was checking for something that might interest me.

I spotted 'The Girl on the Train', by Paula Hawkins, and immediately walked towards it. I pulled it out, checking the blurb. I know this one is pretty famous, but I actually never got around to reading it, and it's remained on my reading list for a long time. 

This week's book, I decided, checking the section for anything else that might catch my attention. Not finding anything else, I went to another section.

After roaming around for a bit, I had a few more novels tucked in my arms. I checked in all of them, determined I could complete them in a week, and spotted Percy talking to Becky at the counter. 

I smiled. His friendship with her was endearing.

I walked to the counter, and unloaded the bundle on the counter, effectively startling Percy. 

"Are you planning on reading all of these in a week?" he asked incredulously. 

I shrugged, smirking. "You underestimate me, Jackson."

He shook his head. "Unbelievable."

Becky just smiled, listening to our encounter while checking out the books. I gave her the filled cards for the books, and she gave them back to me.

"Have fun, dear." Becky said amiably. "And have a good day, both of you."

"Bye, Becky!" Percy and I waved to her, making our way out together.

"I didn't peg you for the reading type", I started, and Percy turned his head to me.

"Oh, I wasn't there for the books", he replied, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

"Really?" I tilted my head. 

"Yeah, I was checking if there was an opening. I've been looking for a part time job for awhile now."

"Oh", I nodded. Makes sense. "Was there an opening?"

He smiled. "Yeah, thankfully. One of the previous workers just moved from here, so there was an open shift. I'll be going in the evening from 5 to 8."

"Oh, okay. I should probably look for something too." I laughed. "I pretty much have nothing to do at home."

"You just got here, I wouldn't worry about it." He glanced at the books in my hand. "Besides, I'm pretty sure you'll be occupied otherwise for the next few days."

I gazed fondly at the books. "It'll be heaven."

"I'm sure it will."

At that moment, one of the books, A Paris Apartment, shifted out of my hands, and I didn't move fast enough to catch it. Some other hand shot out to get it before it fell down.

Thank the gods for Percy Jackson.

"Thank you", I said. "You can give it to me."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "I think I'll just carry it for now."

"I'm fine, I can hold it."

He sighed, chuckling. "I won't run away with it, Annabeth."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm trusting you not to."

He raised his hand and put it on his chest. "I promise I won't. Besides, bold of you to assume I'd achieve anything running away with the book."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I bit back a smile at his laugh.

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