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When Thalia called me, telling me to meet her at the same cafe, I think I got really close to pouncing on her with a hug. It had been so long since I saw her last. 

She and I sat there for hours, talking about everything. 

"I wish you were there with me, Annie. You would've loved the museums."

I held her hand, and gripped it tightly, smiling. "I'm sure I would've." 

Her face turned slightly serious. "How you doing?"

My smile thinned, realizing what she was inquiring about. "I'm, uh-" I fiddled with my earring. "I'm doing fine. It doesn't hurt so much anymore."

Thalia smiled. "Luke is an idiot, he didn't appreciate what he had."

"I know." I sighed. "It took me some time to realize it wasn't my fault, but his. He made the mistake, not me."

"Atta girl." She squeezed my hand. "The change might be good for you. You'll find someone else, someone who will love you for who you are. Someone who you deserve."

"Yeah, I'm not looking for anything though. I mean, I'm over Luke, but I'd like to give it some time before I dive into another relationship." I chuckled. "It's a lot of work."

"Well, I guess it's all about finding someone whose worth the trouble."

I smiled. "Isn't it always?"


"Then, he literally just stared at me! He froze like a deer in headlights!"

We all burst out laughing. The girls in the group and I had gathered at the Grace household. Thalia was currently telling us how she and Percy surprised Jason when she showed up.

"Of course, though, I wasn't about to forget that he literally ignored my calls for over 2 weeks, and I hit him over the head." Thalia said, casually sipping her water.

"Oh, I would've loved to see his face!" Piper exclaimed, not at all concerned for her boyfriend's well-being. It was hilarious.

"Well, he probably deserved it." Silena said. "I know I would've been so mad if my sister ignored my calls", earning her a groan and a punch on the arm from Piper.

"I know, right?" Katie agreed. "Like, you're not getting rid of me that easily."

I shrugged. "Sometimes, there would be nothing better though." 

"That I can attest to." Calypso nodded at me. 

Rachel just laughed. "I don't relate, I'm a single child and it's the best."

I studied her, noticing how her eyes were green. Like Percy's, I thought, but then realized they weren't the same. Rachel had beautiful, leaf green eyes, whereas Percy had bright, iridescent eyes that were a startling sea green. She had frizzy red hair that framed her face in all the right places. I could see what Percy meant when he said she's a colorful person.

She's pretty, I thought, feeling like my blonde curly hair and dull grey eyes paled in comparison to her. 

"You're so spoiled." Calypso rolled her eyes, dodging Rachel's smack.

Suddenly, we heard a voice yelling from the doorway. "Ladies! Sorry for interrupting whatever crap you guys were indulging in, but we're bowling! Get your asses out!"

"Calypso is right here, you idiot!" Piper yelled back.

"Oh, shit", I heard the voice mumble, and Calypso cackled. 

"Who is this again?" I asked, thoroughly lost. Calypso smiled, "That would be my idiot boyfriend, Leo. We were warned about his sudden plan anyways." 

"Oh gods, did 30 minutes pass already?" Silena yelped.

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