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In the evening, Mom took the car and left for her night shift at the nearby 24/7 supermarket.  

I was up in my room, scrolling through my phone, as Gabe and his friends played and gambled downstairs.

As a kid, I once tried to attempt to disrupt their games, knowing he spent all my mom's hard earned money. It had ended with their cigarette lighter "accidentally" falling on my calf, resulting in a burn, that lasted for weeks. I shivered at the memory, and went back to going through my friends' uploads.

Eventually, I got bored, and tossed my phone aside. I ended up staring at the baby blue ceiling, hand-painted messily by me.

After a few minutes, I heard the men downstairs say their 'see ya's and go out the door. I heard it close, and groaned. That was my cue to clean whatever care-free mess they had made.

I dragged myself reluctantly downstairs. I made it to the second last step, scanning the living room. Gabe was asleep on the sofa, thankfully. The carpet was stained heavily with beer, and cigarette butts littered the room. I wrinkled my nose at the disgusting smell, and looked at the kitchen. I sighed at the mess there as well.

All of them had eaten everything in the fridge, and used all the dishes, knowing full well I'd be cleaning it later. Assholes.

I prepared myself to do everything, proceeding to clean everything.


I put the last dish on the rack, and slumped onto a chair in the kitchen. Everything was done.

I ran a hand through my hair, and placed the heels of my hands on my eyes, relishing the cool black. The house was filled with quiet, and I enjoyed the peace.

But good things can't last, can they?

Gabe chose that moment to return to the land of the living, yawning loudly, and sitting up. I didn't move from my position, and I heard the couch springs creak, and his footsteps thudded towards the kitchen, where I was.

He pulled my head up by grabbing my hair, making me hiss. I gave him a weak glare, and he grabbed my collar again. I smelled his breath, and turned my head away. 

"You missed one", he rasped, tossing another glass into the sink. I groaned.

"Let me go", I stared at him dead in the eye. He narrowed his eyes.

"I said, let. Me. Go." I repeated, kicking his knee. He reeled back, indeed letting me go, and I stood up, sighing and making my way to the sink again. I picked up the glass, rinsing it.

Gabe recovered from his shock soon, and glared at me, but I wasn't fazed. When you grow up with people like Thalia, and my mom, you encounter scary faces.

He smirked after awhile. "Where's the confidence coming from, boy? Don't care about your bitch of a mother anymore?" The insult did nothing to quell my rage, and my fury rose when I realized he said this protest would mean he would hurt my mom.

I put the glass back in the sink, and turned around. "Big words coming from someone who spends their entire day drinking and playing games."

"You watch your words in my house, boy!"

I scoffed. "Your house? My mom's the one whose paying for it, you're the unemployed excuse of a human being using it for free. I'd show a little more respect, if I were you."

Gabe gave me another glare. "Your mother should've thrown you out before. I told her I wasn't about to put up with you back when I married her, but she insisted."

I laughed. "Oh, cause I enjoy putting up with you. We were just fine by ourselves, you have absolutely no right to dictate the rules here."

He punched me hard in the gut. I doubled over, groaning. "What a surprise", I managed to say weakly, and he hit my head on the sink. 

My head swam, as he stomped away. 'What a coward', I thought, pulling myself up. I was still dizzy, so I held on to the counter, slowly making my way to the couch.

My temple felt sore, though I didn't feel any blood, thankfully. I groaned again, as I lay down on the couch, closing my eyes. Maybe sleeping for awhile would take the pain away.


It didn't.

I opened my eyes, and my head continued to throb. I winced as I turned my head to check the living room.

I saw Gabe wasn't home, and sighed in relief. I still hadn't cleaned the last glass, but I'll get to it later.

I decided to call my mom, and whipped my phone out. I didn't have to scroll at all, as her contact rested on the top of the list. I clicked it, and put it to my ear as it dialed.

The ringing sound was punctuated by my mom's exhausted voice cutting through. "Hey, it's Sally here. You know what to do."

It beeped. "Hey, mom." I started. "Nothing serious, just wanted to call. Gabe's out for some reason, not that I'm not glad. I cleaned up the living room and kitchen. Okay, I think that's about it. You don't need to call back, just wanted to check in." I sighed. "See you later, mom. Love you."

I ended the voice mail, putting my phone back inside my pocket. I ran my hand through my hair again, debating what to do.

The phone rang again, and I just answered it without looking. I managed a bored "Hello?"

"Boy, I'm coming home. I need a pack of beers in the fridge when I get back. Got it?" Gabe's voice cut through, and I held the phone a little away from my ear, frowning.

"Get it yourself." I said irritably.

"Don't talk back to me. I. Need. Those. Beers." And he cut the call.

I put the phone back in my pocket, hopefully for the last time, and I made my way to my room, thanking the gods I had some sense.

You see, whenever Gabe needed a beer on the spot, and I didn't have the energy to get it, I just fished them out of my cupboard. They were hidden in a drawer, and I usually bought a couple extras when I shopped for them.

I grabbed three bottles, before hesitating and grabbing a fourth. I closed the cupboard with my foot. When it didn't close properly, I nudged it again with a little more force, and it still didn't close. Giving up, I kicked it, and it shut with a thud. I blew my hair out of my eye, unsuccessfully, before huffing and making my way downstairs.

I stuffed the beers in the fridge, and went back to the sink. I sighed and began washing the glass.

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