
91 3 1

Author's Note: I. HAVE. BEEN. REVIVED. 

It was really awkward.

At first, at least.

Percy seemed a little out of it, hands stuffed in his pockets, nibbling on his lip as he kept pace with me. I probably wasn't even better.

Still, I tried for a comfortable smile and started with, "How was your shift today?" I remembered him mentioning that he started work today, and I assumed he just returned from it.

He looked at me, a little taken by surprise, and thankfully accepted my attempt at conversation. "Yeah, it, uh, it went great." He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling. (He did that a lot, I noticed).

"I didn't think you would remember."

I laughed shortly. "I just remembered you mentioning it yesterday."

He hummed in agreement, and put one hand out of his pocket. Well, he's opening up, at least. I smiled and put my own hands up to adjust my ponytail, and ended up pulling a little tighter than intended. I grimaced, and pulled out the band, releasing my mess of curls.

I glared at my rubber band, sighing.

"You know, your hair is really pretty." I heard Percy say, as he raised up his hand to tuck a curl behind my ear. I looked at him, quivering a bit at his touch, taken back to the memory of him doing the same thing a few days ago.

He didn't immediately retract his hand after, smoothing my hair down over my shoulder and twirling a curl in his finger. He stepped a little closer to me, and I exhaled a little. I stepped closer to him too.

My hair was still wrapped around his finger, and he tugged his finger out gently. "You look amazing when you leave your hair down." He said, blushing a little but definitely not moving away. My face warmed, and I didn't step away either.

I stared right into his face, watching how his eyes flicked over mine, shifting from my eyes to my nose to my lips. I bit my lip a little, and he seemed entranced by the little action. I raised a hand to his face, and gently brushed my thumb over his lip. I watched his lips, and let my hand remain there.

He sighed gently. He smelled like the salty air that wafts over the ocean, reminding me of beautiful summer days at the beach, long walks on the sand, splashing water over my feet. How the waves glittered in the sun, flickering and coursing sparkles over them.

I bit my lip, contemplating. Should I kiss him? It felt like it.

Clearly he was wondering the same, taking his time to observe me.

I was broken out of my train of thought, as he reached up a hand to cup my cheek. He did it so gently, I couldn't process my thoughts anymore. All I succeeded in doing was staring at his face, screaming inside my head in anticipation.

He smiled at me tentatively, before leaning a little upwards to kiss my forehead. Still a little bit lost entirely, I didn't move, even as he stepped away a bit. I could still feel his velvet touch on my forehead, and didn't entirely mind the feeling of his mouth on my forehead.

Oh, gods, my heart did a little thing in my chest, imagining what it would be like to have those soft lips on my own, his hand slipping down to my neck, maybe even wrapping around my waist...

I continued to stare at Percy, lost in oblivion, as he grinned at me, and gave me his hand. I snapped out of my stupor, and gazed at his hand. Somehow, one little kiss on my forehead destroyed my processing capacity, and it took me a few seconds to realize I should probably do something.

I looked at him, smiling at his concerned, slightly panicked face, and took his hand in mine. His fingers gently slipped between my own, and he rubbed his thumb on my knuckles. I raised my eyebrow at him, grinning myself, before raising his hand to my mouth, and brushing my lip against it. It probably wasn't as sensual as the moment before, but I tried my best.

I kissed the back of his hand, somehow taking him aback, and stuffed both our hands into my pocket. I continued walking ahead, like nothing happened, grinning when I felt Percy's incredulous stare. He shook his head and continued walking as well.

"So", he started, and I looked at him, "how many books have you, uh, completed so far?"

I laughed. "I only borrowed them yesterday, give me a break", I hit his shoulder with mine. "I did start The Isles of the Gods, and it's pretty good so far."

He nodded, smiling. "Give me a few days, and I'm probably going to forget that name", inciting another laugh from me.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "What an incredible memory you have."

"Could you repeat that?" He replied. "I forgot what you said."

I raised an eyebrow, laughing all over again. He grinned at me, and turned front again.

We fell into a comfortable silence, and I watched as vehicles zoomed past us on the road. There were people walking their dogs, parents out with their children, some on busy calls trying to keep their kids from running off the pavement.

Then, I felt a massive, fluffy weight against my leg, and stumbled a bit. I looked at it, and saw a particularly excited Golden Retriever huffing at my feet. I grinned and kneeled down, scratching the adorable dog behind the ears. I saw the owner looking a little exasperated, but he reciprocated my smile.

"He's so cute", Percy said, marveling at the dog. He also kneeled down. "What's his name?"

"It's a 'she' actually", the owner corrected, grinning. "Her name's Akira."

"Akira", Percy repeated softly, and the dog in question turned around at the mention of her name, spotting Percy and jumping on him. "Whoa, girl!" Percy exclaimed, as the dog sniffed him keenly, then licked his face in approval. He laughed, scratching the dog between the ears and bopping her nose.

"I'm Annabeth, by the way", I introduced myself, reaching out a hand to the owner.

He shook my hand with a firm grip, grinning warmly. "Brandon. Nice to meet you."

Percy managed to sit up, and reached out his own hand, hugging Akira with his other arm. "It's great to meet you, too. I'm Percy."

Brandon shook his hand too. "She likes you two", he said, indicating Akira, who still had yet to let Percy go.

I watched as he continued to ruffle her fur, and grinned. "She's really sweet." Percy nodded his agreement, obsessed with the dog.

"Oh, she's sweet now, but super mischievous. Sometimes bounds out leaving me to run behind her. It's exhausting, frankly," Brandon laughed, gazing at Akira fondly, "but I wouldn't have it any other way."

Percy scratched Akira behind the ears again, "Well, I could be here all day, but I'm pretty sure you have somewhere to get to."

Brandon nodded, smiling. Percy and I returned it.

Percy cupped her face. "Be a good girl for me, okay?"

Akira gave a great woof, licking Percy's face. He laughed, and stood up.

"Bye, Akira", I said, reaching over and smoothing her fur coat affectionately. She woofed at me too, giving us an adorable smile. I stood back up, "We'll see you around, Brandon."

"Sure", he said with a smile. We parted ways, and Percy and I continued to the cafe.

"I love dogs", Percy stated with a fond smile.

"Really?" I said. "I couldn't tell."

He gave me a look, and I laughed.

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