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It's really difficult to keep your eyes open through a movie late at night while nibbling on popcorn kernels, but the fact that a person I'm potentially attracted to is sitting right next to me doing the same thing is probably what's keeping me up.

Well, I decided, if I'm not going to watch the movie, I might as well try to figure out Percy, since that's where my attention is going anyways.

I looked to my right, where Percy was seated, actually watching the movie. I mean, that wasn't all he was doing: his foot tapped on the floor incessantly, and he snagged his bottom lip between his teeth. He fidgeted with his fingers, as he tried his best to focus. It made me smile, seeing someone else struggle as much as I do with the gift of the gods known as ADHD.

But my eyes caught something that peeked out of his collarbone. It wasn't very visible in the minimal lighting from the TV. I tried to get a better look as best as I could without Percy noticing, and could make out a sort of ridge on the bone.

It looked oddly like something sharp had been dragged over his skin, cutting deep.

I couldn't tell if it was an old wound, or done a little recently, since it didn't look altogether healed. The lighting was really helping me out here.

Percy finally noticed me looking at him, turning to me with an inquisitive look on his face. The light from the TV cut through the planes of his face where it fell, and the other side was overshadowed in darkness. I figured I didn't look any different, but I wondered if this very image was symbolic of anything.

"What's up?" he enquired, and I met his eyes.

I wondered briefly if I should ask him about the scar, I didn't know if it would touch upon a sore spot, but it was just a scar. It wouldn't really hurt, would it?

"What happened there?" I asked, pointing vaguely at his collarbone.

He looked down out of instinct, though I doubt he could actually see where I pointed. His finger came up to his neck to check, and I gestured again at the area. He finally felt the ridge I was talking about, and he seemed to freeze up.

The light made it difficult to see his face exactly, so I couldn't discern the emotion. Was it a hard quality... or panic?

"Uh, it's... don't... you don't have to worry about it, it's fine", he reassured in fits and starts. "It's, um, pretty.... recent."

"Skateboarding?" I asked, though I was pretty sure that wasn't it.

"You'd be surprised how many of these I get every time I go", he smiled, "I'm not exactly the greatest talent on a skateboard."

I reached out a hand to touch it, taking him by surprise. I was stunned at my own action myself, but I'd already managed to put the pads of my fingers there. The texture made me cringe a little at the possible source of the injury.

Percy's gaze burned into me, though I trained my gaze at his collarbone. His skin was warm and soft, and I could make out his slow breathing, somewhere in the back of my head I'd noticed.

"How did you... fall this bad?" I whispered, retracting my hand gently. Percy didn't respond for a while, and I looked up at him.

He seemed a little out of breath as he looked back at me. He seemed to realize I'd asked a question a few minutes later, blinking a little. "I don't really remember", he murmured.

I seemed to have forgotten the English language myself. "Take care next time", I exhaled, "you know, when you go skateboarding again."

He nodded, probably barely processing what I was saying. Good, I wasn't alone. "Sure."

Our gaze didn't break for a while, something I'm pretty sure the both of us were content with. I studied the light dusting of freckles on his nose, the fall of the screen light on his irises and cheekbones. His lips were slightly chapped, making me lick my own. His eyes followed that action, and I felt my face warm in response.

I thought about everything. Dinner when we moved in. The fair. Us both sitting in the Ferris Wheel. Holding his hands as we admired the view. My head on his shoulder. Bowling night. Going out for books. Having food in the cafe.

I thought about what a great person he was. How close he is to his mom. How much he loved food. How much he loved his friends. How he took me to the library when I told him I loved books. How much I loved talking to him. How he listened attentively when I told him about my mom. How he trusted me with his feelings about his dad.

I wanted to find out so much more about him. I wanted to tell him more about me. I wanted to bring out the best in him, let him bring out the best in me.

And I really wanted to kiss him.

He leaned over to me, and I did too. We both connected halfway.

It was nothing like I'd thought it would be, but I don't think I ever wanted to stop this.

Warmth coursed through my veins. Gentle waves enveloped us. I saw gold, sky blue, silver, sea green, storm gray swirl behind my eyelids.

It wasn't an explosion. It wasn't fireworks. It wasn't dangerous. It didn't feel like jumping into a hole that I'd never crawl out of. It didn't feel like Luke.

No. It was gentle. It was a flowing river with rapids. It was sunlight streaming through the window. It was a promise to never let go. It was Percy all the way through, and I loved it.

He inched closer, and broke away. We touched our foreheads, and laughed.

"I've wanted to do that for awhile", I heard him mutter, and I chuckled.

I pushed some of his hair over his ear. "Didn't have to wait long, then."

We sat like that for some time, and I shifted towards him. "Can I kiss you?"

He grinned, and I obliged. 

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