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"Since when did you want to be an architect?"

Annabeth smiled at my question as I played with her fingers. "I don't really know... I guess I've always wanted to be an architect. I've loved designing and constructing stuff since I was a kid, and it was encouraged by my mom, who had a passion for the same thing and made it her job. I guess it was interest that grew into something I want to make my career out of."

"That's really cool."

"Yeah, and I've always wanted to make something permanent. Something people will admire, that will stand tall for years and not go down so easily. I mean, change is not easy to accept, but you still can trust something that will stay for a long time, right?"

I ran a nail over her palm. "Yeah, that makes sense. That's great. That really is."

"Thanks. What do you want to be?"

I smirked at her. "Great question, but could you be a bit more specific?"

She rolled her eyes, but the smile never left her face. "You know, what profession would you want? What do you want to work for?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know. To be honest, the furthest I've ever thought ahead is lunch."

Her laugh rang around the room. "Seriously, though, come on, you've got to have something you're looking forward to."

I looked up at the ceiling. "I mean, I don't know. I like skateboarding, though I don't even know how to make a career with that. My mom loves writing, but I'm not really on the same page. I like swimming too."

"So, maybe a professional swimmer?"

I let out an amused chuckle. "I don't think I have it in me to become an athlete, I'm too skinny for that."

"You're not skinny."

"I'm not an athlete, either."

She rolled her eyes. "You could become one if you worked on that, you know."

I shrugged. "I guess. I just...don't really want to."

"Mkay. So you'll take some time to figure it out, that's not a problem."

"No, I mean, there's hundreds of things I could do. I just have to find the one I'm suited for, cause I think effort comes with passion, which is something I kind of need."

She nodded. "Yeah, I get it. It's fine, you'll find something you love that's worth working on eventually."

"My dad was a marine biologist", I blurted, making her look at me.

"Really?" Her fingers lightly grazed my arm.

I nodded, feeling the same thickness in my throat every time I spoke about him or thought about him. "He is- he was, uh, he was a marine biologist. He loved the ocean, grew up near it and loved all sea creatures."

"That sounds lovely."

"It does, right? He wanted more people to be engaged in conservation, and worked hard towards learning more about the ocean and how to save it. That's why he loved beaches and used to take me there a lot, or so my mom says."

I felt her nails tracing my skin. "It'd be nice if you took after that, like me and my mom. If that's something you want to do."

I nodded. "Yeah, it'd be keeping his memory alive. Maybe, when I do that, I'll feel him there."

"Isn't that worth working for?"

I faced her, and smiled. "Yeah, it is."

"Then, go for it."

"What if it isn't easy?"

"Nothing ever is, Percy", she said softly, "but there's where things get interesting."

"I suppose you're right." I kissed her forehead.


The evening found me walking around aimlessly.

Annabeth's parents returned home, and Mom hadn't returned yet. So finding myself with nothing to do was an expected result.

I'd be alone if I go back home now, and that's boring.

But I also don't have the energy to leave the place and go somewhere.

I ended up deciding that a walk around the place should be good.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I trudged ahead, smiling at the colors of the setting sun. Pink swirled with orange as the red sun dipped below the horizon. It wasn't often that you caught a good view in the city, so I was glad that sometimes, we could see and appreciate it when it comes.

I breathed in deeply, letting the slightly cold air sting my nose. Winter had long gone, but July had occasional days where the evenings had the familiar pleasant chill of pre-winter. Summers weren't all that bad, but as a native New-Yorker, I found that despite how much we all complained about the cold here, we still prefer it.

I scratched my temple lightly, letting my hand fall to my side. Term at school starts in a week, and honestly, I couldn't tell if I looked forward to that or wanted time to drag on a little more.

It's not that I had anything else to do during the holidays, I just wasn't looking forward to all that I had to do when school started.

I'm not one to study, or do homework, or pay attention in class, or pretty much anything you'd do in school. So, it's never a surprise that I don't really want the break to end, but I never achieve anything during those days.

Except, this time, that might've changed.

I smiled at the thought of Annabeth. I didn't think she and I would amount to anything more when we first met, but clearly there were other plans. I certainly didn't mind though.

Her blonde ringlets, her annoyed yet amused smile, the fond twinkle in those beautiful gray eyes... were just where the perfection started.

She's smart, she's determined to prove herself, she's hardworking, motivated. Despite everything, she's sworn to never let that weigh her down and to continue to work towards her dream, her goal. And yet, to add to that amazing personality, she's kind. Sure, she gets mad and irritated from time to time, but she's forgiving and understanding, and I don't know if I'll ever meet anyone like her again.

I felt like the luckiest boyfriend in the world. I don't deserve her, yet she chose me.

I just hope that one day, maybe soon, I can be everything she needs. She's already everything that I could ever ask for and more, and I'm not letting her forget that.

Author's Note: To anyone who's still reading this, I love and adore you, I hope your day is great and may the Fourth be with you. Peace out.

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