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I heard my phone buzzing. 

I came back inside when Helen called me, nibbling on a muffin as I carried on with the book. I looked over at it, subconsciously noting it had been around 3 hours since I woke up.

I picked it up, not bothering to check the contact. "Hello", I all but grumbled into the phone. A little word of advice: never disturb a reader at work. It might not end well for you

"Annabeth?" Thalia's voice dragged out my name.

I half-laughed, half-sighed. (Don't ask me how that worked.) "What's up, Thals?"

"I'm bored. Jason's at work. And I realized I was supposed to torment you."

"About what?" I enquired, though I'm pretty sure I knew what she was referring to.

"You know, the elephant in the room? Who lives opposite you? Who happens to be a rather admirable subject of interest of yours?"

"You can keep dancing around it, I still have no idea what you're talking about." Playing dumb wasn't a substantial hobby for me, but I had no desire to talk about my stupid feelings.

"And here, I thought you were smart, Annie." Thalia huffed mockingly, and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, Percy it is", I gave in. "What about him?"

"Maybe you could tell me."

"There's nothing to tell", I insisted, closing my book. If I couldn't focus on the story, there was no point to reading.

"You don't actually expect me to believe that, right?"

"What makes you genuinely think I like him?" I spluttered out.

"You seriously think I don't know about you guys going out after bowling yesterday?"

"Wha- how'd you figure that out?"

An audible sigh. "You know, it only takes a pair of observant eyes to see it."

I rolled my eyes. "We didn't do anything. He just took me to the library, and I borrowed a book as well."

"Lovely." I could hear her smirk. "Already figured out your hobby, huh?"

"I told him", I mumbled. I heard her laugh.

"Anything else I should know about?" 

I bit my lip. "Well..."

"Oh, by the gods." She exclaimed. "You guys went out together before that too?"

I grinned at the memory. "Yeah, he took me to this amusement park. We played some arcade games-"

"You totally beat him, right?"

"Of course", I scoffed. "I never lose. I got myself an owl plushie too."

"Cute. Please tell me you got on the Ferris wheel?"

"Yeah, we did. The view was incredible."

"I wouldn't know", Thalia said, "but I've heard it's great."

"It is." I grinned. 

"So, it sounds like you definitely had fun together."

"You know what, we did." I started. "But friends can have a good time together too."

"Oh, yeah, friends can. But lovers can too."

"Oh gods." I ran a hand down my face to shield my warm face. From whom, I don't know. "This is coming from the one person who insisted boys were the scum of the earth."

"Gods, Annie, I was 8 or something. Grow up." I rolled my eyes and smiled amusedly. "Besides, some can be jerks, Jason is an excellent example." 

She paused. "Oh, shut up, you know it", I heard her say, assuming it was to the person in question himself. I laughed, as I heard Jason's voice mutter something incomprehensible.

"Idiot." I heard Thals say. "But others, like Percy, are amazing people who have a lot of love to give, and deserve some themselves."

I raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I heard her sigh. "Give Percy a chance, Annabeth. He's sweet, kind and not a complete asshole."

"But that's what I thought about Luke as well", I said, voice hardening a little bit. "Turns out, some people can look like one thing and be a completely different thing. And clearly, Percy has something to hide too, Thals."

"Not all secrets are incriminating, Annabeth." Thalia's voice had taken on a tone of finality, like she wasn't going to take any more discussion on the matter. I bit my lip again. "Tell me, honestly: is Percy anything like Luke?"

I didn't have an answer.

"You're not the only one who knew Luke, Annabeth. I did too." Thalia sounded sincere. "But I know Percy too. I know he's such a good person, he has a good heart and he will be nothing but respectful to you."

I ran a hand through my hair. "We've barely known each other for days", I stated blankly.

"So, get to know him a little better. Don't shut him out, Annie, and he won't shut you out. I know that if you both trusted each other, it will be good for both of you. Don't decide who he is before he's let you seen him."

Thalia's words hit me hard. She wasn't one to sugarcoat her words much, and this was no exception. I still had trouble admitting she was right, though.

I sighed. "I don't know."

"Well, maybe in time, you will." I heard some rustling on the other side, a faint 'what?', before I heard her speak again. "Listen, Annie, I got to go."

I smiled. "Sure, bye, Thals."

"Later." The famous end dial tone dinged, and I set the phone down.


I stepped down to find everyone at the dinner table. Dinner was being served.

I sat down next to Bobby, watching in amusement as he and Matthew wrestled for the mashed potatoes. Dad arrived as well, going to the kitchen to help Helen with the other dishes.

The house had three floors. On the first floor, there was a living room, kitchen and dining room. On the second, there were our bedrooms. One for me, one for Matthew and Bobby, and one for Dad and Helen. The last floor had an open terrace, and another enclosed room, which we had built as a home theatre.

Helen and Dad popped out the kitchen with aromatic dishes. "That smells so good," I said, and Helen smiled. 

"Thanks, I made your dad's favorite today: Chicken parmesan." 

Dad grinned. "I love you", he said, kissing her on the cheek. 

Helen raised an eyebrow. "And to think all it takes is one dish." She looked at me with an amused glance. "Take note, Annabeth. Half of the people out there are taken down with food."

I gave her a thumbs up, winking. "Duly noted."

We served our food and began to eat.

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