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I finished reading 'A Paris Apartment'.

I remembered initially not being as intrigued by the beginning of the book as I had been when I picked it up, finding the prologue a little boring. Nevertheless, I grabbed it and restarted it when I was bored, and it elicited a different reaction from me.

I ended up loving it.

It's literally one of the few gifts of writing in the world, a blessed tale spun in mystery and threaded with intense and thoughtful scenes. It feels like you have to run to catch up with the author's eloquent method of describing the events of the book, but it's incredible. I couldn't put it down at all once I got soaked into the peak of the story.

Maybe don't judge books by your first read either.

I stuffed the book on my desk, along with the other books I'd read. I'd finished all except for Hotel Magnifique, which I was planning on starting soon. The cover page was one of the most gorgeous designs I'd ever seen, embossed in golden patterns over galaxy swirls that provided a subtle hint at the magic of the book. I'd picked it up solely off the design, but I had a feeling it would promise an incredible story.

I caressed my fingers over the cover, smiling softly, before checking the time. 4:30. I should probably grab a snack and some water.

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. Too late for an afternoon nap now.

Oh, well, maybe I'll sleep better at night, I reassured myself, trudging out of my room into the hallway. My phone shook in my sweatpants pocket as I skipped down the stairs, leaping off the second last step into the kitchen.

I felt a buzz in my pocket as I grabbed a Pepsi can from the fridge, pulling out my phone. I lit up at the FaceTime request from a familiar sweet person I'd been missing.

Accepting it, I smiled at the camera. "Hazel!"

"Annabeth!" Hazel responded, mirroring my enthusiasm. She was grinning at the camera, hair frizzy around her face. "I haven't seen you in forever! How are you? How's New York? You doing okay?"

"Hold up, hold up", I laughed, "I barely caught anything you said."

She rolled her eyes.

"Well, you can't expect me to just say nothing! You moved only a few days ago, and you haven't called once. I need some updates, Anna, come on."

I nodded, sobering up at her reminder that I hadn't called these guys since I got here. I bit my lip, tilting my head apologetically. "You're right, I'm sorry. I meant to, I swear, I just...forgot."

Hazel smiled, and I knew it was forgiven. "So you guys settled in okay?" She asked, face getting closer as she took the phone in her hands and started moving somewhere.

I nodded, opening the Pepsi can. "Yeah, everything's great. We've already met our neighbors and they're so nice. There's this super sweet lady whose name is Sally, and her son who's my age. He introduced me to some of his friends and has been giving me a tour of the place."

Hazel smiled warmly. "That's great, Annabeth. It's nice that you've gotten comfortable there quickly."

I grinned. "Don't tell Nico that though, he might start thinking I've replaced you guys."

"Like he would mind", she rolled her eyes sarcastically. "He's not the jealous type anyways."

I laughed, remembering how much Nico hated admitting he was jealous, yet it shone through and through whenever anyone approached Will.

"So", Hazel started, a glint in her eye, "what is this I'm hearing about a boy your age?"

I bit my lip, unable to stop my giddy smile, which didn't go unnoticed by Hazel. Her eyes widened, her face splitting into a grin.

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