chapter 1

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Y/n pov

"MOM HELP US" Tommy Billy and me yell. Agnes. Or well Agatha is holding us with her magic.

"Its gonna be ok guys momma is gonna help you" she blasts Agatha freeing us from her.

"Tommy run Billy and y/n into the house now!"

"Wait no Tommy! Tommy don't you dareeeeeeee" I say

"Tommy. Billy. we have to help mom we have too." I say and they agree. We look out the window and see red and purple coming from the middle of Westview.

"Hold on!" Tommy says grabbing me and Billy.

"Aaahhh Mom help us" Billy and Tommy says in unison along with my dad. They look like they're being ripped apart but I'm not feeling what they're feeling.

"Mom look out! Trucks!" I yell. A man steps out and ready to shoot us. I step infront of then ready to create a safety shield infront of us. Mom and dad are busy fighting. Tommy runs and disarms the rest of the soldiers standing ready to shoot. The man to step out last is still armed and start shooting but. A girl steps infront of us absorbing the bullets as they come. She missed a bullet but Billy catches it and drops it.

"Cool tricks"

"Thanks you too" Billy responds. Dad is back and we loo up to see mom getting beaten up by Agatha. He flys up to help her but she blocks him.

"MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING. LET US HELP YOU" I yell. But it's to late. Mom has her power taken away from her. Agatha goes to blast her but it doesn't work. Ruins start showing up around the hex. I think of something I read in a book. On the witch who places the ruins and use their magic. It said something like that. My mom's outfit starts changing she looks like she has more power. She and Agatha come to te ground and she makes Agatha back into agnes. She stuck here in Westview. Where she can't harm anyone. We go home. After that. Mom and Dad but us to bed. Mom turns around

"thanks for letting me be your mom" I'm confused but go to sleep. He and dad go downstairs. And I start to wake up things are changing. Less and less of the house is here. One minute I'm in my bed and the next I'm on the ground. Billy. Tommy where are you?.they aren't here. I see mom pull up her hood and walk away from where our house was.

"Mom? What's going on" I ask she turns around in shock

"y/n. Your still here." She runs over to me and hugs me

"where is everyone else?" I ask

"I'll explain when you're older."

"Older? Ok" and just like that I'm now 16 years old.

"Fine I'll explain later." She casts a spell on me. Its stops me from being able to grown older whenever I want so now I have to grow up normally. Like everyone else but that doesn't seem so bad. We leave the spot where our home used to be and head somewhere else. Somewhere new. Somewhere I haven't been before....

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