chapter 7

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Y/n Pov

We get to the mall and woah. Its huge. And it is full of people. I'm following my mom around the mall we go into alot of stores. I get a whole bunch of new outfits a bag for my binders and other school supplies my mom also got me a phone so I'll be able to talk to her when in at school. And so I can blend in more. I check the time after a while. It's been 3 hours. I hadn't even noticed that it had been 3 hours.

"We should probably be heading back now" my mom says

"Yeah probably" I say.
We walk out of the mall and too the car. Once we both get in my mom starts the car then looks at me.

"So you and Peter?"she say grinning

"What about us?" I say

"Do you like himm"

"Omg mom no. We are just friends. He is literally the only guy I've been around that is Billy and Tommy." I say.

"Ok sweetheart. Whatever you say" she says then starts to pull out of the parking lot. I rolled my eyes. Peter would never like me in that way anyways. I'm the girl who was literally born like 6 days ago. And he's actually lived for 16 years. So you know. He probably wants someone who actually knows how to properly socialize.

We get back to the Avengers Headquarters. Me and Peter lock eyes almost immediately. No one noticed tho. I break the stare.

"Hey Peter I'm assuming you know how cell phones work" I say

"Yea I do" he responds.

"Great, do you mind helping me set it up?" I ask.

"Sure" he says with a smile.

"Y/n you have 75-" I cut my mom off.

"Nice let's go" I say quickly and run up the stairs.

Once we both get upstairs and into my room I shut the door. I take the phone out of the box and turn it on. Me and Peter spend the next 40 minutes setting everything up. Peter takes my phone and puts his phone number in it I laugh at what he set it as Peter (hottie)😘 I take his phone and put my number in his. I set the name to Y/n (cutie). They're just joke names but theres apart of me that wants them to be real. But there is no way that's going to happen. Peter would never like me like that.

Authors note: Thank you so so much for over 1K reads. I appreciate you all and I am so overwhelmed with the response I have gotten from everyone. I love you 3000

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