chapter 6

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Y/n pov

We're gonna help them, we're going to get them back to us. I think to myself while sitting down eating breakfast. I miss Billy and Tommy so much, I've always been with them and they not being here sucks, its like a pain that isn't going away no matter how much I try to make it go away. But knowing that we're going to help them helps a lot. Cause they aren't fully gone. They can come back especially if I'm here. Apart of me wishes it was me instead of them or all of us. But the other part of me is glad I'm hear. I gotten to become friends with Peter which is nice, it's fun having friends that aren't your siblings.

"So y/n what are your powers?" Bucky asks me

"Same as my mom's like mind reading. But I also have 75% of the intelligence my dad had, I slowly learning other powers I have but I'm not sure how they work yet" I respond

"As long as you don't kill us" sam says I just laugh

"Well we'll just have to wait and see" I says giving Sam a grin he slides a bit further away from me. I finish my breakfast and go upstairs

"Y/n I have to talk to you when you come back down" my mom yells up from the bottom of the stairs

"Okay" I say. I put on one of the last clean outfits that my mom gave me from her clothes cause I don't have anything that fits. I grab a pair of Jean's a black shirt and and plaid button up. I go downstairs and find my mom in the living room.

"Hey mom what do u need too talk to me about" I ask taking a seat beside her on the couch

"You're start school as of next week. Your going to be going to the same school as Peter" she says.

"School seriously I'm one of the smartest people alive I'm basically as smart as dad was like I don't need school." I reply

"You might not need the education part but that means you'll get good grades, but you're going because you need to make friends and socialize y/n" she says I just roll my eyes.

"Whatever, I'll go. On two conditions." I say to my mom

"And those are?"she asks.

"One, all my classes are with Peter. Two, I get to become an avenger" I say standing up

"The first one is done. I'll have that set up for you. The second one we will revisit another day. But you have the potential to do it. But we'll see if you'll be able to handle it." She still is sitting down.

"Deal." I put my hand out and my mom shakes it.

"Now let's go shopping, so I don't have to keep giving you my clothes" we laugh. My mom gets up and we go towards the car. For my first shopping trip ever!

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