chapter 4

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Y/n pov

Why can't I just act normal. Ugh I mean I've never really been around boys. Other then my brothers.

"Maximoff? So like you're Wanda's daughter?" Peter asks.

"Yup" I reply

"I have to brothers aswell."I frown. "Well I had 2 brothers. I'm 1 of the Triplets."Peter looks over to my mom

"You had Triplets!" He says shocked

"Yes Peter. Tommy, Billy and Y/n" my mom replys. That's the first time I've heard their names since the hex. I miss them so much.

"You ok y/n" Bucky asks me

"Uh yah I'm ok. Just miss them" I reply. He gets up from his spot and hugs me.

"It was nice meeting you all but its getting late so I'm going to head to bed." I say getting up. I have Nats old room. Some of her things are in the closet still. Along with one her black widow suits. I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling. Then I hear a knock on my door.

"Hey y/n it's me. Peter. Can I come in?"

"Sure" I say sitting up. He opens my bedroom door, comes into my room and sits beside me.

"I'm sorry about your brothers." He says in a comforting voice


"So how old are you" he asks me

"16. Which probably doesn't make any sense but I'm 16. And my birthday is August 25th"

"What?! You were born a like 6 days ago."

"Yah I know."

"How are you 16"

"Well in the hex me and my brother could age ourselves to any age we wanted to be. And before we left west view I aged up to 16 cause my mom wouldn't tell me something until I was older. Which I still haven't figured out. But before we left she put a spell on me making it so I have to age normally. "

"Wow." Peter says shocked.

"I'm 16 though. If someone was to run tests on me it would show that I'm 16 years old because my brain, my heart and everything is 16 years old"

"That's cool. So we're the same age"

"Whens your birthday?"I ask.

"15 days before yours so the 10th of August."

"Nice" I respond. I'm feeling better now that I'm talking with Peter.

"So do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks me.

"Um sure"

"What do you wanna watch?"

"I don't know. I haven't really every watched a movie."

"So you're telling me that you've never watched star wars?!" He seems to be in shock.

"That's correct Parker. So I'm guessing this is when you tell me that we are watching it?"

"OBVIOUSLY" he yells I laugh a bit.

"Ok then let's start watching them"
He puts on the first star wars movie. I use my powers to get us snacks and drinks.

*some time later*

We've watched 2 of the movies now we are watching the 3rd one. Peter still intensely watching it while eating popcorn. I'm basically sleeping. I lean my head onto Peter's shoulder and fall asleep.

Authors note:
Thank you so much for 100 reads!!!!🤍🕷

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