chapter 5

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Peter's pov

I start waking up and feel a weight on my chest. I look down and see y/n sleeping. She looks really cute. I slowly move out from underneath her but she shoots up from her sleep basically freaking out. I think she might have had a nightmare.
"Y/n you ok?" I ask still sitting on the bed

"Uh yah. Yah I'm good." She says but I don't really believe her

"You sure, you don't seem ok" I ask.

"Um. It's just"

"You can tell me y/n I'm here for you"

"Thanks Peter. It just that when I sleep they talk to me, they're scared like they're Trapped and they need help" she says. She has tears in her eyes

"Who y/n?" I'm confused. I think maybe I should get Wanda but I'll wait

"Billy and Tommy" she says tears starting to come down her face

"Hey, we'll figure this out. I'm going to go get your mom, she might be able to help you too." I say getting up to leave and get Wanda.

"Thanks Peter" she smiles

I leave the room and find Wanda in the kitchen

"Good morning Peter, is y/n up?"

"Good morning, also yeah that's why I'm here actually she need to talk to you. It's really important"

"Is she ok?"she asks in a concerned voice

"Yes and no."I reply

She doesn't talk again. She just rushes up to y/n's room

"Y/n? What's going on?" Wanda asks quickly sitting down beside her

"They're trapped mom, they need help. They're scared and don't know what to do." Y/n says crying again

"Who sweetie who?"

"Billy and Tommy, everytime I go to sleep they talk to me. It's not a normal dream mom. They're stuck all alone and don't know what to do."

"You must hear them because you still have part of the hex within you and if you can hear them they can come back. We just have to figure out how" Wanda says to y/n who's calming down now.

"When you go to sleep let me know so I can see into you dream with you so we can figure more things out" Wanda says hugging y/n

"Okay mom thanks" y/n gives her a light smile

"Come get some breakfast, both of you" Wanda says and we follow. We meet Bucky and Sam in the kitchen. We all sit down to eat I sit beside y/n. She seems to be a bit better now knowing that we're going to try help them.

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