chapter 8

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Peter's pov

Ugh this joking stuff is killing me. I really like her. I don't know why I like her so much I've only known her for a few days but it's just how I feel. Y/n (cutie)❤. It fits. But I'm literally just sitting here thinking about a girl that never is gonna like me the same way. We've finished setting up her phone and we've just been watching movies now. Its gonna pretty late.

"So everythings done with this?" Y/n asks me waving her phone in the air

"Yup we got everything done" I say snapping out of my thoughts

"Okay, thank you so much Peter. I'm really happy to have a bestfriend like you" she says to me. It kinda hurts. Bestfriend. I think to myself. Yeah. Exactly what I want. I frown a bit but she doesn't notice.

"No problem Y/n. I'm gonna go to bed now" I say. Really I'm just gonna go patrolling for a bit then come back but I'm also going to clear my head.

"Oh okay Peter. Goodnight" she gets up and hugs me "thanks again for you help"

"Of course y/n any time" I say hugging her back. God. Her hugs are amazing.

"Bye Peter" she says

"Bye y/n. Goodnight" I say leaving the room.

Y/n pov

Peter was acting a bit weird but I just left it alone. But I decided to try this texting thing out.

Me: Hey Parker, thanks for your help again. I'm really glad were friends

I send the text. But not response he's probably sleeping or not on his phone. I turn of my lights and cover myself up with my blanket and slowly drift off to sleep.

Y/n vision pov

I'm back in the same darkness I was before. Barely any light.

"Y/n! Y/n help us!" I hear Billy and Tommy say

"Billy! Tommy! Where are you guys I can't find you" I yell back

"Y/n please we're scared." They say

"Why'd you leave us? Tommy says

"I didn't mean too. I didn't mean too. Please just tell me where you are" I say

"We don't know it's cold and dark." Billy says

"Can you see anything? Anything at all?" I ask looking around

"No" Billy says

"Billy it back it's back Billy" Tommy yells

"What's back?!" I yell

"Y/N HELP" they yell

"Billy Tommy I'll find you just keep talking tell me where you are" I say

"No no no go away AHHHHHHH"


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