chapter 3

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Y/n pov

We've been cleaning all day. It goes by pretty quickly when you have powers though. You can vacuum, dust, sweep, wash windows, rearrange furniture and like anything else. Music also helps pass the time. Me and mom have basically cleaned and put back together the whole tower now. It looks way better then when we first walked in.

"This is the last room to do. You think you can do it on your own? I gotta make a couple calls" I think she gonna make some calls to the avengers. Well what's left atleast.

"Yah I can do it. You go and make your calls" I smile then start cleaning. It's a bedroom. It looks like it got set up but never used so it wasn't very hard. Theres a picture on the bed side table. It's a Man and a boy. Holding what look to be a certificate but its upside down. I read the name on the certificate Peter Parker. I just the photo off. The room is done. The entire tower is clean. Atleast what mom said was to be clean. There was a few rooms she said to say out of so I listened. I go sit in the living room waiting for Mom to come back from making calls. While I'm waiting I hear the door open. I jump up from my spot and go over to the door.


"Wanda is that you?" Two men say walking towards me.

"Uh how do you know my mom?" I ask the men now looking at me.

"Wanda has a daughter" the one man says. He has short hair. Wearing basically all black.

"Yup. That me. I'm Y/n. And you are?"
"I'm Bucky and this is Sam." My mom here's us talking and comes in the room.

"I've made all the calls. Y/n. Also Sam! Bucky! It's so good to see you" shes hugging them now. I guess these are her friends.

"Never thought I'd come back here." Some says walking into the living room.

"You must me y/n." He says looking right at me. He's... Green. And Big.

"I'm Bruce." I shake is extremely large hands.

"Aahh Banner! I've missed you" my mom says. Sam and Bucky agree with her. They're all catching up in the living room. I'm here to but I'm not contributing to their conversation.
I'm look toward the doorway to see who comes next. After 5 minutes is staring someone comes up the stair. I see their head first. They have brown hair. He comes up the stairs more. I see all of him now. It's the boy in the picture. Peter Parker. And holy he is alot cuter in person. I turn away quickly he didn't notice that I was looking at him. Well I hope he didn't.

"Hey guys" peter says. His voice is even sounds cute.

"Peter!" Everyone says in unison. Everyone except me. Peter is looking at me now.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Peter Parker. Also I'm spiderman" he says to me smiling.

"I'm Y/n Maximoff" I reply. Smilingly back at him. Holy crap I swear my face is as red as a tomato right now.

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