chapter 13

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Y/n pov:

Wow, Peter likes me back. Um idk what to do from here. Like are we still just friends. Or are we dating? I really don't know. But I also never got the chance to ask because before I knew it we were going downstairs to eat breakfast. Sam made breakfast this morning. We had one of my favorite breakfasts (anything you want it to be).

"So, you ready to start school on Tuesday?" Bucky asks me kinda grinning.

"It should be fine. It's not likw I need to go to learn anything. Mom over there just wants me to sOcIaLiZe" I respond.

"Hey! Being social is good for you." My mom says quickly in response.

"Well. I'd much rather be here figuring out a way to get my siblings back." I say back to her.

"No it's to dangerous to try again I miss your brothers dearly. But I can't lose you. Not again." she responds

"What do you mean. Not again. You never lost me in the first place." I say in confusion. What does she mean again.

"Y/n maybe we should go upstairs so you can cool off" Peter says grabbing my hand but I quickly pull it away

"Mom. What do you mean again." I repeat.

"Nothing. Just don't worry about it. I will find a way to get your brothers back you just worry about starting school." My Mom says and then leaves the room. Im confused and annoyed. What is she hiding from me. What happened that she's not telling me.

"Well. Um. It was nice seeing you guys. I'm gonna go train for a bit. I'll see you later" Sam says

"Bye Sam. Thanks for breakfast" me and Peter say in unison.

"I'm gonna head out too" Bucky says. Bucky usually doesn't go anywhere. Especially thus early.

"What you don't wanna hangout. Hot date or something?" I say jokingly

"Uh no. Not a date." Bucky says then leaves the room before I get the chance to question him more.

Now it's just me and Peter in the kitchen. There's this weird awkward silence but after a minute he breaks it.

"So. Um. I gotta go home to see May. But um. Do you wanna go out later. Like to a movie or something?" He says nervously. Is he asking me out? Like on a date??

"Uh yeah movie sounds great. I'd love too." I reply

"Okay. Well how does 7:30 work for you?"

"7:30 sounds great"

"Great ok. I'll see you then Y/n"

"See you then Peter"

We both smile at eachother and he hugs me for a minute. Then leaves and goes home to his Aunt May.

Authors note: Hey everyone, I am finished school until the 7th of September. I am hoping to post everyother day but if I don't you can expect updates at least 2 - 3 times a week. I won't always be updating all of my stories every other day so while you're wait for one feel free to stay up to date on my other stories. Thank you for all of your patience and support I love you all 3000. Also if something comes up I'll post it on my conversations board so check my home page cause thats where annocments/stuff about updates will be

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