chapter 14

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Peter's pov

I get into the apartment and run across the room

"MAY!" I yell

"Peter? What's up"

"Y/n!!! I asked her if she wanted to go on a date and she said yes!!!"

"Oh my god, Peter that amazing!" May exclaims

"I'm picking her up at 7:30! Can you help me get ready"

"Of course I can" she replies

We spend the next couple hours going over different things I could wear a lot of talking happening. I like spending time with May. I don't know what I would do without her. Not having tony around has been really tuff and may has been really patient with me. I check the time it's 7:10 and I quickly realize that I have to go

" May it's 7:10"

" Well then lets get going!" She exclaims.

We leave the apartment and go get into the car and drive over to the avengers compound. It still stings a bit knowing that Tony isn't going to be there. Or Steve. Or Natasha. I wouldn't be half the Spider-Man I am today if it wasn't for them.
We drive up to the entrance and I look to may

"Have a great time Peter"

"Thanks may, I will" I say getting out of the car I'm about to shut the door but I look back inside

"May. Thanks for everything."

"Always Pete"

I give her a smile then shut the door. Then I go inside to wait for y/n.

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