chapter 2

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Y/n pov

We've been driving for awhile now. Though small towns and large cities. We pass a sign that says Queens New York. We drive past tall buildings, appartment and huge crowds of people. Until we are at this place with a fancy A on it.

"We're here y/n" my mom says parking and opening her door.

"Where are we?" I ask opening my door and following her to the entrance.

"This sweetheart is the avengers headquarters" we walk inside it pretty quiet in hear. I kinda looks like no one has been here in a really long time.

"Does anyone live here?" I ask looking around.

"Not anymore. Me and your Dad did. Along with our friends. But-" she starts tearing up.

"But what?"

"Well, my friend Natasha. She sacrificed herself for an infinity stone called the soul stone. My other friend. Tony he's the one who owns this building sacrificed himself for all of humanity by taking the infinity stone from Thanos and snapped his fingers. Also" I cut her off.

"Who is Thanos?" I ask

"That's another story but the Dad you knew wasn't real. He was just the memories brought to life. That's why when the hex was taken done your dad and brothers didn't stay. You weren't supposed to stay but I'm glad that you did. I don't know how but im happy you're here." She smiles to me. I can tell she's hurting but I don't push

"But where was I. Oh yah my friend steve went back in time to bring the stones back to their places in time but instead of coming back when he was supposed to he spent the rest of his life with the love of his life Peggy. You see he was frozen for 70 years and when he woke up she was gone so he went back to the time after he crashed and stayed with her."

"Aw well atleast he was happy. I'm sorry they aren't around anymore but if no one lives here why are we here." I ask curiously

"We are gonna live here. Fix it up and see if we can get the everyone back that's still alive. So then the world still has the avengers" she says

"Well then. What are we waiting for. Let's get started" I says smilingly. Then we get to work.

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