chapter 10

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Y/n pov

I wake up sweating scared to open my eyes. I was trying so hard not to wake up but having other people in your head takes alot. I'm to scared to open my eyes because I don't know if Billy and Tommy got out or if my mom a peter are still in my head. I slowly start to open my eyes and I see black. Nothing else. The same blackness I see everytime I fall asleep. But this time I'm awake.

"Billy? Tommy?" I yell. No response.

"Mom? Peter?" No response.

"Hello? Is anyone here?!"

Peter's pov

I got shot out of y/ns dream Wanda did too. When we look down to where y/n was laying she's not there. But Billy and Tommy are there.

"Mom!" They both yell hugging Wanda. I don't think she's noticed that y/n isn't here

"Boys! We did it Peter. We did it y/n!" She says then realizes "wait where is y/n?"

"She's gone" I say getting a bit upset.

"No" Wanda says getting up quickly.
"Peter watch them" she say mean I was to watch 2 ten year olds. But I just nod. I take them into my room. They find my legos and start playing with them. But all I'm wondering is where is y/n. She was right there. Right beside me. And now she's not here. Her brothers are here. But not her. And don't get me wrong Billy and Tommy are cool. But I miss y/n. When we get her back I'm gonna tell her. I'm gonna tell her how I feel.. also I wonder why Wanda left so quickly. Maybe to figure all this out. Atleast I hope.

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