chapter 12

553 13 12

Peter's pov

Its been a week since we tried to get Billy and Tommy back. Me and y/n have been hanging out alot she hasn't had to start school yet. Wanda said she could have atleast a week to feel a bit better before starting. Today I wake up and feel a weight on my chest. It's y/n. She all cuddled up to me. It's really cute. I still feel bad cause her brothers didn't get back and she really wanted to get them back so I can't even imagine how she's feeling right now. So close. But so so far at the same time. I stay laying there holding y/n while she sleeps. She's beautiful. It's been about five minutes and she starts to wake up. She looks up and me and smiles then hugs me a little tighter and cuddles up against my chest again. I'm internationally freaking out. Ahh. She's so adorable.

"Thank you Pete" she says still hugging me and not looking up to me. I forgot she could read minds

"You're adorable too, freak outs and all" she says sitting up smiling at me.

"T-Thanks" I respond. "Y/n um. There's something I wanna tell you.. but I don't want you to feel pressured into feeling the same way about anything. Well about me. Um. I- I like you. A lot. And I know we've only known eachother for a short period of time but I seriously really like you. And I know you probably don't feel the same but-" I get cut off

"Peter, before you continue nervously talking. I like you a lot too. I just haven't known how to tell you" y/n says

"Wait really?" I respond.

"Yeah Peter" she says. We both are smiling. I lean forward and hug her pulling her on top of me. We cuddle for another 30 minutes before going downstairs to eat breakfast and see everyone..

Author's Note: Hey everyone 👋, I'm so sorry that its taken me so long to update. I am still in school and with the end of the year coming I have been pretty stressed. My mental health lately also hasn't been the best at the moment. I'm hoping it gets better when I'm done with school for the summer break. And also I will be updating more when I am on my summer break. I am officially down school of the 23 of June so stay tuned for chapters :)). Also thank you all for your patience and understanding. Along with all of the support on all my stories
(Triplets, Undying Love, Dangerously In Love, A Dream Come True and The Avengers Unknown Daughter).
If you haven't read all of these you should check them out. You don't have to but I would really appreciate it :))

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