chapter 11

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Wanda's pov

I can't. I can't do this. I can't pick between my children. I love them all so much. I can't choose. But y/n is all alone in there whatever that place is. And Billy and Tommy had eachother. Plus there has to be another way for all 3 of them to make it out of there we just need to try again. But we don't have much time. Billy and Tommy have to go back. I hate this idea but it's what I have to do until I figure this all out. No one will have memory of this but myself Peter won't remember having Billy and Tommy here and not y/n and I'll have to deal with this on my own. I hate having to put them back it but y/n is the anchor. She has the tie in to whatever that place is and we can't go back in without her. Once I make my decision I reverse the time back to when we found the door the boys were behind the door still in that place. I pull us out early before y/n hugs the boys and we wake up.

Peter's pov

I got shot out of y/ns dream Wanda did too. When we look down to where y/n was laying she's still there. But no Billy or Tommy.

"Y/n!" Wanda says hugging her . I don't think she's noticed that Billy and Tommy did get back here.

"Where are they. They were right there" y/n says scanning the room

"They didn't get through hunny.. we'll have to think of a different way to get them." Wanda says. She kinda seems like she's hiding something.

"No! No no no. I can go back to sleep we can get them!" Y/n screams

"We need a plan y/n you woke up so you probably can't handle 2 people in your head. We need to work up to that" she says then gets up and leave.

"You saw them right. They were right there. Right at my fingertips" y/n says to me.

"I saw them y/n. Im so sorry that they didn't get pulled out. But we got there once. We can do it again" I say trying to help.

"Thank Peter" she says to me. I look at her looking into her eyes. They're so pretty.

"No problem y/n" I say then get up to leave but she stops me.

"Peter." She says I turn around "can you stay with me. Atleast until I fall asleep" I blush I little

"Of course y/n" I say getting into her bed she cuddles up next to me head on my chest. And all I'm thinking about is how much I love her. Damn it. I really am in love with her. I guess that's not a bad thing other than she only thinks of me as a friend

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