Chapter 15

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Y/n pov

I'm up in my room going through all my clothes trying to figure out what to wear. Eventually I find like a light blue dress that me and my mom bought when we went shopping it's just simple and goes to my knees but it's perfect for tonight. I look at the time. It's 7:25
I'm all ready to go.
This is the dress:

I go downstairs and see Peter standing in the living room

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I go downstairs and see Peter standing in the living room.

"H-h-hi y/n" he says just managing to get out a sentence.

"Hey Peter, you look nice" I say smiling

"You look nice too" he says

"Thank you Peter"

"So how are we getting to the movies?" I ask

"Uh I didn't think that through" he says

"Haha it's okay I can probably get someone here too"

"May just texted me asking and say she's still out front" Peter responds

"Okay then. Let's get going" I say

We go outside and get into mays car Peter opened the door for me which was nice of him to do. The movie we are watching starts at 8:15 so we still have lots of time since it's only 7:39 now. May drives away leaving me and Peter.

"So what you wanna do while we wait" he asks

" uh those arcade games seem fun. And we should probably get snacks for the movie" I respond.

"Ok then lets go" he says walking into the movie theatre

It's huge inside. We play games for about 20 minutes which is so much fun I think my favourite was beating him in air hockey. Once it was 8 we went to get popcorn and other snacks for the movie. Once we got to our seats we sat down and waited for the movie to start..


Hey guys!
I've made a "book" called my stories for y'all to lmk what you think about my stories and any suggestions you have for me + what I should write about next or in a new story along with for you guys to tell me when too update a certain story

Love you all 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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