chapter 9

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Y/n pov

"AHHHHH" I screamed jolting up from where I was laying down

"Y/n! Are you okay" its peter rushing into my room. Hugging me immediately

"They in danger Peter something after them they cold and scared and I can't find them no matter what I do."

"Billy and Tommy?" He asks


"Honey are you ok." It's my mom.

"No they're in trouble mom they need help now"

"What did you see?" Peter asks.

"It was the same but different. It felt colder. Or more distant. It was the same darkness all round with barely any light. And Billy and Tommy asking for help and why I left" I say " but usually I wake up after that cause they're begging for help. But this time there was something. Something that was scaring them they were trying to keep it away but they they screamed and I woke up"

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Do you know where they are?" My mom asks

"No it's just darkness. They don't even know. " I respond

"Okay. Well go back to sleep and I'll go in with you" she says.

"Is there a way I can come too?" Peter asks

"Yeah. We'll try it" my mom says to Peter

I lay back down and try to fall asleep but I'm not falling asleep.

"Do you think you could leave for a few minutes I can't fall asleep with you both staring at me." I say. They nod and walk out. After a few minutes I slowly drift back to sleep

Y/n vision pov

Darkness its the same as before.

"Y/n help us please y/n don't leave us here" Billy and Tommy say

"Its okay! I'm bringing help" I yell back. Come on mom come on Peter

"Y/n please help us before it come back please" Tommy says.

"Boys!" My mom yell. She got in this is working. Peter is hear too

"MOM! Help us please!" They bot yell.

"We're coming boys don't worry" she yell to them. "I need you to keep talking so I can find you"

"Mom y/n please. Hurry its going to come back soon"

"What's coming back" I ask following my mom

"The thing" they say

"What is it thought?" I ask

"We don't know" they say

" Tell us what you do know. Tell us everything" my mom says the looks yo me " it's so dark wherever this is it difficult to find them"

"Billy Tommy. Hey. Um I'm I'm Peter I need you to talk about anything, you're favorite color or video game something and just keep talking"

"Okay" they both say they start talking about who has cooler powers. And their favorite things.

"Peter it's to dark we'll have to try something else" my mom says

"We can't see. But I can sense it"

"You're spidey sense." I say

"Exactly" he responds

Me and my mom follow Peter walking slowly still listening to Billy and Tommy talk. And then I see something. It looks like a door I run past Peter to the door

"Y/n don't open it" my mom says but it's too late I already did I loo around and know exactly where I am. I'm at home. In Westview. Or just the memory. Its darker than usual. I run up the stairs and go to where Billy and Tommy's room is.

"Y/n wait let me" my mom says but when she tries it doesn't open

"Y/n are you there" Billy asks they're right on the other side of this door

"Yeah so is mom and Peter" I say I reach for the door handle

"Y/n its locked" Peter says but it's not cause I twist the door handle and there they are sitting on Tommy bed. I got to the curtains and open one. Realizing that this is the only thing and everything else it's just darkness. Everything that was Westview is gone. That's why it's so dark. No light source at all.

"Mom" Billy and Tommy

"Boy's, we found you" she says I go over any when I hug Billy and Tommy I wake up.

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