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"That slimy git." I say aloud.

This caused the twins to look at me wondering what I was talking about.

"Malfoy sent me a letter and wants a response. I don't know or have anything to say to him." I say.

"Love, maybe he's worried. I think if you at least let him know you're safe it'll be okay." George said.

"He'd throw a fit knowing I was here. "  Isaid and started giggling.

The twins started laughing with me imagining Malfoys anger. I knew it wasn't right to laugh at his expense but he put me here.

"I'll send a note saying, ' I'm fine.' that's well enough, right?" I asked.

"Sure. Just add ' I'm with Fred and George so sod off, love amber' " fred said.

I lost it laughing. That just confirmed to me Imade the right choice of where to be. I loved being here where there was so much warmth and fun even in the mess of everything. I wrote the letter back to Draco saying I was okay and thanks for the well wishes. I was brought up not to be rude but I really didn't care at the moment for his feelings.

My mom sent a house elf with my school belongings and money for the trip to Diagon Alley to purchase what I may need for the year. I was grateful that even though we were fighting, they still made sure to take care of me.


As we boarded the Hogwarts express for the new year I decided to stay with the twins once again. Lee joined us soon after and wasn't surprised to see me laying my head on George's shoulder. I had successfully passed my exams in part to Draco's help. I was afraid to run into him but felt more confident with George.  After being on the train for awhile we bought our snacks from the trolley and felt the train jolt forward. George grabbed my waist and caught me from falling. Suddenly the air felt thin and dark. A cloaked figure passed our windown and didn't have a face. It passed by our cart quickly and before long the train continued to the school. I had excused myself to go change and as Iwas leaving the restroom I ran into the one person I didn't want to see.

"Amber." Draco said pulling me into a hug I didn't return.

"Hello." I said hoping he would let me pass.

"How'd the tests go then?" Draco asked.

"They went well. Thank you for your help."

"That's good." He nodded.

There was an akward silence as Draco just stared at me.

"I really should be returning before my friends worry." I say.

"The blood traitors and mudbloods can wait a minute." Draco says grabbing my wrist. He spins me around and places his arm above my head pinning me agains the wall.

"Draco, please." I say.

"Please what, Amber?" Draco asks.

"I just want to go." I beg.

"You can hangout with whomever you want.. just remember who you belong to." Draco said kissing my temple.

"As of now, I belong to myself." I say looking into is grey eyes.

"Now, now, love. I just wanted to tell you, I meant what I said in the letter. I do care for you and told you more than anyone knows about me." he says quietly.

"Draco, for now leave me be. It's a lot to digest. I won't speak a word of it to anyone, ever. You have my word." I say.

He nods and lets me leave. I hurry back to go sit with George. He looked up and noticed Iwas distraught.

"Are you okay, love?" George asks me.

"Yeah, ran into Malfoy." I say.

He raises an eyebrow and I shake my head and sit next to him. I joined in the conversation of this years pranks. It was going to be a fun year.


After the sorting ceremony I sat with the Golden trio. Hermione was submersed in a book, the boys played chess, and I watched the fire crackle away.

It was good to be back home. Granted, I'd have to see Draco but Hogwarts held a special place in my heart. I was able to relax and unwind and find distractions rather easily.

I heard the portrait close and watched the twins enter laughing about something. I sat and watched them come and sit on the couch near us talking about the prank they pulled on Flitch. He seemed to be an easy target for them and deserved the harmless pranks. I hadn't noticed then but I watched George. The way his nose scrunched up when he laughed. The way his eyes sparkled when he spoke about something passionately.

"Sparks, did you hear what I said?" Fred asked drawing my attention back.

"Uh, yeah. Actually, no. What  did you say?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I said that this years DADA teacher seemed nice."

"Oh, yeah he does. His name sounds familiar." I said.

"He helped me on the train. He gave me a chocolate after the demontor attack." Harry said.

"Hopefully we actually learn something this year." Hermione said.

"Hermione, I'm sure we will learn." I chuckled.

"Can you actually learn anything else?Haven't you read the entire library by now?" Ron asked.

Hermione shot him a glare and slammed her book shut. She stormed off into our room. I sighed shaking my head.

"Ron, must you be so insensitive toward her all the time?" I asked him.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. She's just really smart... Ithought she would've understand what I meant." he replied.

I shook my head. Boys. They don't understand anything about us girls.

"Mate, I think you need to go apologize." George chimed in.

"I will." He said.

Once the boys had finished their chess game Ron and Harry went to bed. I sat with the twins for a bit longer and stretched out on the couch staring at the ceiling. Thoughts of my arranged marriage came and I wondered if I could get out of it.

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