Chapter 24

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Third Person POV

The four turtle brothers had waited an hour when it turned dark outside hoping that their loves had just lost track of time. But when Maximus started whining and clawing at the door the boys knew something was going on that couldn't be good.

"I knew we shouldn't have let them go."

Donatello said the brothers walked through the dark forest, looking for any sign of them. Raphael rolled his eyes at his brothers comment.

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

The red clad turtles Brooklyn accent rang though the very quiet forest. Leonardo found this very strange and knew that it was very abnormal. He chose to ignore his brothers petty argument and keep his eyes focused on anything that would lead to the girls.

"I bet they just got lost."

The youngest and most optimistic of the four said trying to break the tension. The purple masked turtle shook his head violently.

"No they couldn't have. Kelly knew the paths by heart."

His worry increased as he spoke. Anger filled the red clad turtle as he thought to himself, blaming himself if anything happened to his fiancé.

"We have to find them."

His Brooklyn accent reflected his hurt and anger. Suddenly the eldest turtle stopped walking causing the rest of them to stop. He quietly turned to them.

"One of their bags is up here."

He said as ushered them forward. Michelangelo knew immediately who's bag it was for he had helped pack it.

"That's Elizabeth's bag."

He mumbled as he walked past his brothers quickly to checkout the scene. The bag had been knocked over,almost as if there had been a struggle.

"Where is she and the others?"

Raph asked looking around. Donnie gently opened up the bag and looked inside, the others watched curiously.

"One of them was hurt."

The genius turtle said making all of them cringe with fear that it had been their girl. Leonardo stepped forward.

"How do you know Donnie ?"

His voice held  no sign of worry, he masked his emotions very well.

"It looks like they've used some supplies for a broken or sprained bone."

Donatello said as he zipped the bag back up and slung it over his shoulder. The three oldest turtles started discussing what could have had happened and where the girls might be. The youngest turtle was standing off to the side, eyes closed and nose in the air. In an instant his eyes flew open and he gasped in surprise causing his brothers to turn to him.

"Liz is close. About three miles away from here."

He said. All his brothers gave him curious looks.

"How do you know Mikey?"

Raph asked.

"I  can smell her."

He said revealing that he had used his animal instinct. His brothers sniffed the air for moment and knew that he wasn't lying, but they couldn't smell the others.

"Let's get Liz and she can tell us what happened to the others."

Leonardo ordered as they walked the way Michelangelo lead.

"What if they're all split up?"

Donatello asked.

"We can't split up to go looking for them. We have to stay together, there's strength in numbers."

No one questioned the leaders orders. Raphael said something that caused them all to nod in agreement.

"If someone is behind this then they'll have hell to to pay."

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