Unknown Feelings

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"Hey, Danny. Are you free this weekend?" Alicia was speaking on the other line.

"I guess I am. Why?" He asked politely.

"Well, there's this test coming up at the end of the month and I don't seem to get the facts in my head. Think you can help me?" Alicia asked, pulling her phone closed to her mouth as it feels like it's getting lower.

"Sure, that wouldn't be a problem. I'll see you then," he smiled and ended the call before she can say goodbye.

"Ally called?" Kashimi questioned.

"Yeah, she's got a test coming up," he explained and looked up at her. Her forehead wrinkled and her eyes darken for a second. He can tell something is definitely bothering his older sister at the moment.

"What's wrong?" He sighed, putting his elbows on the table as he leaned forward.

"I don't know but every time I passed by her, there's this kind of feeling that. . .I don't feel right. As if something about her doesn't make me happy."

"You're being ridiculous," he simply said, shaking his head. He doesn't believe what she is saying to him. He knew Alicia like how she knew them. Long story short, they somehow met up at a store when they moved to New York years back. Soon, their friendship is born. She soon discovered their secret and as a good friend to Danny, she kept her promise.

"I am not!" She cried as she put her hand on table. "I mean, have you noticed the way she acted towards you? When you're all alone, she acts like a puppy asking for some compassion for God's sake. And then, Roxina comes, boom!" She clasped her hands as she scared the poor nerd. "She completely changes into a girl who shot daggers at her as if she's a rival, trying to win your heart," her words got straight into his head.

Processing his memories, he recalls each moment that involved the two girls. He compared to how Kashimi described. And she was right. He never noticed how Alicia would change in a go when Roxina came to his side. But that doesn't bring him to the conclusion part.

"Look, you're being silly. I think you're overreacting about them. Like two girls were fighting over just because they had a crush on a nerd? Not happening."


Weekends rolled in and Danny was standing on her porch, waiting for someone to open the door for him. He patiently waited until he saw a familiar face, plastering a smile.

Her red hair was tied in a wavy ponytail that brings out her blue eyes and her shoulder length yellow blouse and black jeans fit her perfectly. "Come in, Danny," she gestured her hand to let her guest in.

"Thanks," he said as he adjusted his bag over his shoulder. Admiring the inside of the house, it's not small but it not expensive as well. He wished he and his family had a cozy home like Alicia but due to their financial issue, they don't have a proper home. Consequently, living in the building that seems less suspicious and could use as a lair was their only option. Luke and Kashimi had part-time jobs to give supports for their family too.

"So, what's the test?"

"Chemistry and psychics. It's kinda hard," she replied while pinching the bridge of her nose. Her patience on those subjects were testing her.

"Kinda easy," he smiled while looking for the notes in his bag.

He heard her a soft chuckle came out of her mouth. He noticed she put a small strand of hair behind her ear before clearing her throat.

"I'll get some refreshments and cookies I made," her thumb rubbing her wrist before she walked to the kitchen and came to the living room after a while.

An hour passed by and he had been helping Alicia with her studying. Sticky notes sticked at her books and papers of written formula left on the table for her to memorized.

Alicia was doing her work until she showed him. He gave her a thumb's up, plastering a wide smile on her face.

"Really?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, you're improving," he gave her a warm smile, counting a gap in his teeth. "Remember, just stick to the right formula and you'll get it finish in no time."

Packing his stuff, he felt a touch on his shoulder. He turned around to see the anxious redhead twirling her fingers while looking down.

"What is it, Ally? Look if you're nervous about the test, just take a deep breath and–"

"No, it's not that," her head shot up.

"Oh, so. . ." he trailed off, unsure of what she was going to say.

"I've been meaning to ask you something," she had no idea how to explain it to Danny. Her heart was beating madly in her chest as she tried to make the question.

"Ask away," he motioned his hands.

She bit her lip, not knowing how to say out. Her eyes stayed on the ground as she gripped her hands firmly. "You've been such a nice guy to me and you're kind, helpful and really smart, I must say. You also had been guiding me throughout the training session these past months. The thing is I. . .I."

"You what?" He queried, trying to decipher of where she is going. But the next four words left him a stiff.

"I like you, Danny," she blurted it out.

He could've sworn he heard it wrong. He thought a rock hit his head. But it's not. He heard it right out of her mouth in front of her. Before he had a chance to speak, her lips crashed into his. Her hands tightened on his shirt as the two bodies collapsed on the floor. Her left hand tunneled through his brown hair as the other one kept a firm grip on his shirt. His elbows were helping him, holding the weight of the two humans. It almost felt like a minute they had locked lips until Alicia decided to let fresh air into her nose. Danny's glasses weren't upright and his hair was a total mess as the strands went into different directions. He breathed it out heavily, not ready to register everything what's going right now in front of his eyes.

"You don't look very happy," she noticed a frown forming on his face. He can't stay here any longer. He can't even process the whole thing properly. He had to get out.

"Um, I think I need to go," he quickly tidied himself up before he grabbed his stuff and his bag and walked out of the door without saying anything to her.

The moment between her and him was shocking. She never see her more than a friend yet she kissed him, thinking it could make him like her back. And it backfired. He wished he can stop her from doing that act and everything between would fine and normal like nothing weird happened.

Danny didn't hear his brother called out as he stormed off to his room.

Pacing back and forth, he can't believed of what just happened. His mind kept popping questions that starts with did she–. 'She's mental,' he thought. He never own good looks like Tom Cruise or bulky body (minus his flexed muscles). He can't accept it. He knows hurting her feelings is not good but he can't see her as his lover. It was just too fast for him. One question will surely make him stay up all night to find the answer.

'Does she have a crush on me?'

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