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It was a normal day like any other. Students were filing into their respectful classroom while Raziella's class were changing their clothes to sports attire for their gym class.

"See you at the gym, Rose," Shinellyn waved and Raziella replied a quiet bye and waved with a small smile. As she fully dressed in her gym attire, she felt a headache. A mere pain, she thought probably from math equations earlier in her previous class.

A half hour passed and she was playing volleyball with her team against their opponents and everything seemed fine for that. Until Raziella noticed a girl standing on the bench with an unappealing look that stirred worry in her mind. 

'What's wrong with her?' Raziella furrowed her brows.

The brunette girl just looked into the air before tumbling down on the bench, landing on the gym floor unconscious.

"Oh my gosh!" a girl shouted. "Someone call the coach!"

"What happened?" Shinellyn questioned.

"I don't know, she was fine this morning," her friend explained.

Just as Raziella decided to check how's her temperature, her hand touched her forehead and her mind somehow showed that Lenny, who is her name, was looking at her reflection in the mirror while looking at the pills she held in her hand. The eyes showed pain and emptiness; showed no reason for a girl like her to live in the big world. 

"Lenny! We're about to go," a feminine voice called out.

She hurriedly put it in her mouth, flushed the toilet before crying "Coming!"

And just like that, it ended before her mind came back to the present; the girls had huddled around the unconscious girl, whispering and muttering. She was confused about what she had seen in her mind. 

'What did I just see that?' Raziella thought, too startled to say quietly. 

"Move out of the way!" the couch called out as the students made their way. Her face then turned into a shock. "Oh dear! We have to bring her to the nurse office immediately."

Raziella knew she had to think it all over again but for some reason, she knew she had to do this. So, she did something she didn't think about. "Coach, I want to help." Of course, she thinks she's an idiot to do this kind of stuff.

"Rose, what the heck are you doing?" Shinellyn asked, confusingly.

"I have no idea," is all she could say before putting Lenny's arm around her neck before exiting the gym with the couch.

"I'll stay here in case she wakes up," Raziella told the couch before she nodded in agreement and left her in the nurse office. The atmosphere was silent and you could only hear the air vents working. Her hands on her laps turned fists as she stared at Lenny laying on the bed. Her thoughts about her witnessing the girl who was ending her life almost paralyzed her body. Fortunately, her thoughts were interrupted by the door swung open by the nurse. 

"Hello, dear. The coach told me what exactly happened to her. But I will find out what caused her to be in this condition," the nurse asked as she took out her stethoscope.

Of course, Raziella couldn't say that she somehow saw her taking a pill to end her life by putting her hand to her forehead because that would be labeled as weird or peculiar. So, she gave another reason instead.

"I saw her quickly take a pill at the locker before school starts."

She stared at her cautiously.

"But don't tell her that I'm the one who saw her. Just say you somehow discover the pill."

She couldn't tell whether the nurse looked suspicious or concerned but she did a small nod. She checked her pulse, eyes and breathing. 

"She's all good. She will be fine in a few hours. You can go now," the nurse looked at her with a small smile. The blonde girl nodded before she exited the room. She hesitantly changed to her regular clothes but the headache came back, this time it grew stronger. Her mind wandered to a place she never knew; a grand building stood among the green land, tall and majestically beautiful as the sky night above then changed to someone blasted their power out of their hands. She managed to see a figure fighting against the three feminine figures in a combat before a bright light blinded her.

That was the scariest yet confusing experience for her to witness. It was beyond what she had seen in her life; she had seen delusions in her young teenage years but had decreased as she grew up, left in her middle school years. All because of the traumatic event that shattered her dream world.

As she set her foot in her class and took her seat, Eliana asked her.

"What happened to you? Shinellyn said you were with the coach."

Raziella still gazed into the air, not hearing Eiana's question. 

"Rose?" Eliana asked her again, this time touched her shoulder. 


"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine," Raziella's voice went low and quiet as her eyes targeted her textbook.

"Okay, class. Today, we are going to learn algebra II," the teacher announced to the class. "Now, open your textbook to page 56."

Eliana's suspicion raised to see Raziella's strange condition. She was still unsure of what causing her to act like that. She felt the coldness surrounding the viridity girl. Nevertheless, she put her thoughts aside and continued listening to the lesson.

'Something doesn't tell me she's not being herself.' Eliana thought. 

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