Cheesy and Dead Eyes

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"The corresponding angles and sides of the triangle is 147.89 cm," she answered before drawing two lines on the chalkboard, followed by a family of equations on the other side. She turned her head to the class where some students were about to smack their heads on their desk but supported by their palm.

"Miss Shinellyn, you haven't read the questions I gave out yesterday, have you?" Miss Greta sighed. Her rounded glasses rested on her curved nose, few hair strands floated in front of her ears.

"Would Miss believe if my dog ate my homework?" Her tiny smile emerged on her face, hearing the back of her class summoned small chuckles. She prayed in her heart, they're lucky to be mortals roaming on Earth. If they aren't, she would challenge them to a battle in the very classroom.

"Please return to your seat," she shook her head as the redhead looked down, her thin lip pressed. The teacher stepped to the front of her class. "As most of you haven't done the assignment, I'm giving you a final chance for today. As usual, find your math buddy and do it."

As that being said, students quickly find their closest classmate—or easiest targets—to get it complete the assignment. Shinellyn would not have the need to react fast; she simply turned around and glanced Raziella had started scribbling on her paper with her wooden pencil.

'Always on headstart,' her head nodded. A whisper of okay fell out of her mouth, she grabbed her text book and showed her the page of the question.

"Huh?" Raziella's looked up in confusion. The pencil became still on the paper, just like her expression.

"Wait, I thought you're good at maths." The redhead blinked her eyes.

"I am. I didn't pay attention to what you were saying," she scratched her head, her cheeks heated in pink. Shinellyn stared for a moment before she grabbed the paper from her. Feeling hot embarrassment on her face, she reached her hands to the paper but Shinellyn leaned forward to her desk.

She noticed the way she tensed immediately with her forefinger pointing at a sketch face when she turned back to her.

"Why is Rion's face here?" She whispered with a hint of anger.

Her mouth was unable to form a sentence. Her rough sketch was mid-perfect. His face was looking down. She captured his great jawline in sunlight, drowning the other half in darkness. His thin lips closed as a smile raised his cheeks, his front hair was touching his forehead and nose. His eyes were only coloured in green. And next to his face was an initial of R + R.

"Riozella? Please tell me you're joking right now?" She squinted at the ship name. She couldn't tell which is worse, liking the ship name or despising his face.

"Would you believe if I am not?" She quoted Shinellyn's words earlier.

The bell rang and students stepped out of the classroom while their teacher told them to complete their homework by tomorrow. Shinellyn was out of the door before following Raziella, who was few feet away in front of her. She immediately jolted out of the door.

"Rose, what's up with you?"

"Nothing," she shrugged her shoulders. Her hands secured her bag straps.

"This sketch meant nothing to you?" She pulled up the sketch paper to her face before the blonde girl took it in her hands aggressively.

"Nellie! I don't want to anyone to know about this?"

"Then, talk." Her eyes gazed on her. Her left shoulder leaned against the pale green locker with her arms locked in cross.  

"Okay," her feet brought her through the crowd as Shinellyn followed her. "Rion and I hung out."

"Him?" She scoffed. "That guy needs training to be in a good mood for at least thirty years," she rolled her eyes as they walked into the girl's bathroom. The light dimmed through the windows and a girl popped out from one of the stalls.

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