Buddy's Hangout

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Rummaging through his room, he heard the door knocked and Andrea greeted when she turned the doorknob.

"Hi, Max," Andrea waved.

"Oh, hey Andrea," he smiled.

"What is this mess??" Andrea looked at his room as if like a burglar broke in while trying to find valuable things.

"Sorry, I was looking for him."



"Oh yeah," Andrea chuckled nervously while scratching her head, "Your pet iguana."

"Yup, he was here minutes ago," he said while looking underneath his bed.

"I can help you find him," Andrea said.

"Thanks, Andrea," Max's eyes brighten up.

As they have been searching in his room for almost few minutes, Max decided to break the silence.

"So, I heard Eliana didn't finish training with Luke few days ago."

"Yes, she told me the whole thing."

He looked at her surprisingly, "About what??"

"She couldn't tell me about it. She's a little pissed off. That's all I know," Andrea said while trying not to show nervousness. 'I couldn't let anyone know she had a crush on him.'

"Luke pissed her??"

"Yeah, never knew why," she shook her head.

"Wanna know a secret??" Max smirked.

"What is it??" Andrea's eyes lit up with questions.

"Come closer." He gestured his hands as Andrea goes closer to him; they felt an electricity passed by but they bugged it off, making both of them blushed lightly.

"You see, Luke tend to flirt with Eliana. Right?"


"Here it is. He has a huge crush on her."

"Luke Kubo?" her eyes widen. Out of all the people she knew, she always imagined Eliana would end up with a geek nerd like Danny or someone who is as good as Eliana. But Luke? She just never thought the boy who tend to flirt with her is crushing on her.

"You really didn't notice?? The way how he talks to her, the flirting. Everyone would have notice that by now," Max frowned with his eyebrow raised.

"Oh," Is all she could say. She couldn't believe her own eyes that Eliana happened to have a crush on the guy who tend to annoy her likes her back.

"But promise me that you won't tell a single soul to anyone. Luke would killed me if I did."

"I promise!", Andrea said proudly while gesturing her finger, crossing her heart.

"Great! I'm really happy that I have you as my friend," Max smiled. 'Though I wish we could be more than just friends.'

Andrea really felt a little hurt by what he said but she managed to put up her smile, "Well, I'm really glad so too."

After some time, they both found Jazz the pet iguana in his room. Max then asked her if she wanted to get pizza and she said yes.


"So, pizza's not bad, huh?" Max asked, getting a slice of pizza from the table.

"Mm hm," she commented while taking a sip of Coke.

'Police are still investigating the robbery at Miss Jewellery Store, located in Brooklyn Street, trying to figure out the mysterious robbers that took place in the night. Not only the robbers left with the jeweleries in their hands, a strange sign that happens be in blood stained written on the wall that looks like a kanja,' the reporter announced on the TV with a serious tone in her voice.

"The question that everyone kept asking for the few past months, 'Will there be someone to rise up like a hero to stop the criminals running away and saved the day? Well, we'll just have to wait for our prayers to be answered. I'm Millie Jackson, signing off."

Andrea then noticed his frown by the sound of annoyance came out of his mouth. She and her friends knew that they are the ones who's trying to stop them. But in the end, their strategy or any of their methods didn't work.

"Couldn't catch them?" She questioned.

"Nope, Luke and Rion argued at each other's face. That's what distracted them from stopping the robbers," The tone mixed with sarcasm yet amusement in his voice.

"Why would they started arguing? They both know it's not their time to fight like an old married couple," she sighed heavily.

"True to that," He put his hand in his hair.

"If they can at least try to set a time where they can argue at a right place, I would say the lair," She said while stirring her Coke with her straw.

"Tell me about it," He glanced at the window dully. She followed his look and saw it. A mother with a bob hair for her haircut and two sons were at her sides, holding her hands while walking down the street. A smile plastered on her as well as the two boys giggling like something funny happened.

She examined his face full of dullness and bland.

'Is he really feeling okay?' Andrea thought. She putting her hand on his hand snapped him out of thought. He looked at Andrea; the look on her face has worry and confusion mixed up. Max didn't want her to worry and said, "I'm sorry. . .um, I zoned out."

After he said it, he put up a smile but Andrea knew he is hiding something but she quickly shrugged it off. 'Yup, something IS definitely up.'

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