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As Long As You Love Me by Backstreet Boys was tuning out in her room from her radio as her eyes focused on the sketch pad resting on her laps. She loves listening to music and sketching. She was humming the song as her hands did the sketch.

♪No matter who you are♪
♪Or where you from♪
♪I don't care what you said♪
♪As long as you love me♪

Her eyes darted to a shadow on her window ledge and exclaimed, "Max? What are you doing?"

"Thought I can hang out with you," his smile with a dimple on his left lit her heart. She rarely has other friends who are so much like her personality. Max and Andrea are so much alike; like two fun peas in a pod. They would never get tired of being on each other's side, even if they tried to annoy each other. Still, it's what they bond over for.

"You wanna hang out? The summer's coming," a grin illuminated her skin. "I can hang out with you whenever I want."

"Yeah," he rolled his eyes and sat right next to her, trying to examine what she was doing.

"I'm sketching if you're wondering."

"Yeah but what exactly?"

"The sunset," her heart tried to call out as two people kissed near the cliff and the warm sun dipped into the horizon. The figures in her sketch were supposed to be there but she can't draw them out. The thought didn't only amaze her but the fact she was inspired by the dream of meeting a guy when she was younger.


She was standing near the edge of the cliff, witnessing the sun dipped down the horizon. The wind flew her brunette hair at her head level. Her eyes set out to see a flock of birds flying south when she felt a hand grab a hold of her right hand. Looking up to see was a guy whose blond hair can barely fly in the air like hers but his blue eyes reminded the clearest sky where the rain clouds would never set upon the land.

She smiled at his attempt. A blush creped on her cheeks and thanks to the sunset, it blocked out her red blush.

She didn't have a clue who he was, but feeling next to him made her much safer. His hands were like wings of the angel protecting her from danger.

His left hand gently caressed her cheek. It instantly springs an electrifying shot through her body. She barely knew the guy but his smile was so sweet that his eyes reminded her that there will be no sadness.

He rested his forehead on hers and she doesn't want to leave this moment. The calm breeze touched her skin with such delicacy and the waves of the blue sea splashed beneath the edge of the cliff.

"Andrea," she looked around her surroundings but there was no one else. The voice called out her name again, she knew that voice. She looked at the guy but the sound of the voice didn't come from him. His lips still sealed shut.



She looked up to see Max staring at her. She must have zoned out. Those blue eyes pierced through her turquoise eyes so that he could see what she thought but shrugged it off after she spoke out.

"Sorry, my head's in the clouds," a meek smile plastered on her face. She had to be sure that no matter how similar Max and the mystery boy looked, she had to deny the truth. It sucks to face reality. He nodded at her response as he looked around in her room. Not really a girly type where she painted the four walls pink but it has fake plants hanging beside the white cream drapes.

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