Saw Something Peculiar

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After being in the plane for five hours and an hour of driving, the family finally arrived at their new house. They unloaded everything from the moving van and brought their belongings into their own rooms.

Raziella sighed relieved as she put the final box of her belongings in her room as she helped out her parents who are arranging the furniture. Few hours later, the parents approached to their daughters.

"Okay, girls. Your father and I need to go for our job interview. We'll be back before 8. In case we're late, there's food in the fridge," Cella said while putting the strap bag over her shoulder.

"Okay, mom," Rubia said bluntly.

"See you later," Raziella said.

With that, she closed the door on her way out.

Rubia then took out her cellphone while heading to her new room.

"Okay, Ziella. Just do whatever you want. I'm gonna be in my room."

As she said that, she closed the door room. Hours passed til early evening, Raziella was sitting at her computer desk, doing her revision. It's her usual habit of her to do. She looked at her clock and it showed 4:30. Giving a sigh, she looked out from her window to see people walking along the street.

'They've been gone for too long. Maybe I should explore the city for a while,' She thought.

With that, she grabbed her jacket and her phone to go. She then told her sister for permission to go.

"Ruby! I'm going out for a while."

"6Okay, don't be too long."

She walked out of the house with the door shut. She was checking out the stores and buildings. It was way different than California even though both of them are city like. Except the fact that New York is bit colder and...well, bit gloomy and noisy.

She then spotted several teenagers around her age were breakdancing in the alley. The sky was turning from cloudy blue to reddish orange, showing it's evening. The lamp street turned on and some people were coming out from the subway entrance, going back to their home from work.

'Well, the city isn't this bad. Minus the chills and noisiness. But the stores were okay and Times Square was a great place to go. I should go home. It's getting late.'

Before she could go, something caught her eyes. She noticed something flashing on a building not so far away from her. It was flashing different colors that showed green, blue, purple, brown and red. She got curious and confused. To her, seeing things that were strange gives her the feeling to investigate.

'What's going on that building?? Gotta find out!'

With that, she was running to that building like her life depends on her while passing strangers in her way. Running few blocks ahead of her, she finally reached where the strange flashing lights took place. She was looking around in the alley to find an equipment to climb on until she spotted a fire ladder. She pulled down and climbed up. Just as soon as she reached the top, there was nothing but a water tank standing and broken crates in the corner.

Her head was full of confusion. She just saw weird lights, the next minute, it was nothing.

'But I thought I saw-.',

She saw a sparkling like glitters on the ground. She was curious to see weird kind of glitters because it glows different tones of color.

'This looks fascinating. Gotta keep it for investigate.'

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