Leaders Of Different Perspectives

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Luke was training in the dojo just like what his father told him to for an additional training. His father believed from his childhood that he can lead a team one day and soon took his place as the next heir.

Under the silent air in the huge room, the black haired boy was swinging his katanas while waiting for Eliana, his partner leader until he heard the door slide open.

"Finally, the smart chic has arrived," said Luke with a sly smirk, looked up to see the platinum blonde haired girl arrived with her blue bag by her shoulder with mini katanas in her bag pocket at the side.

"Luke, please stop calling me that. It sounds ridiculous," Eliana sighed heavily. She put her bag on the bench.

"Aw, I like calling you that," he said, resting his katanas on his shoulders and his eyes narrowed. He noticed her eyes shone for a second before it was replaced the narrowed eyes.

Eliana rolled her eyes in amused while shook her head, trying to ignore the compliment he gave. Her heart beat silently in the inside but she refused to show it out to him. Being a leader means no funny business, even for a minute of being full nonsense mind.

"I expect a person who has been given a huge role for the team would act like he cares and gives good examples to his team, not trying to make a fool out of himself or flirting with his partner team," Eliana put her bag down nearby the weapon stands before tying her braided hair into a ballerina bun. 'Be steady, girl. Steady your mind and don't give in.'

"Ugh, your words hit me like a bullet!" he said dramatically, putting his hand near to his heart as if he got shot. Such a drama king as she pressed her lips.

"Are you taking this serious or not?" Eliana glared at him with a frown, putting her hands on her hips. She honestly loved his funny side but her leadership instincts took control of her body.

"Yes, Miss Perfect," he shook his head with his eyes up before grabbing his wooden swords, "I am."

"Then, let's get started."

Both of them stood in front of each other before bowing at the same time and stand in their fighting position. Luke used his wooden swords to block her attacks. Just as his swords clashed hers, she back flipped over Luke, receiving a surprised look from him.

'She's getting better but she haven't see this yet', he thought.

Luke tried to hit her but Eliana dodged his attacks continuously til the tip of his wooden swords locked around Eliana's neck.

"Well, Elly. Looks like you're losing," he shot her a satisfying smirk for his victory and cockiness.

He didn't had the chance to finish her when she got released and swept off his feet. His back roughly met the floor. Luke managed to get up and about to hit her when she's not looking. But that was his mistake. They both fell onto each other while groaning in pain. Luke was about to get up when he realized he's in an awkward position.

Eliana quickly realized too as they both got lost into each other's eyes. Blue ocean lost in light blue and vice versa. Both of them stay still as they don't know what to do next.

'God, why is she so damn hot?'

'Oh my gosh, his eyes are so beautiful.'

Just centimetres away from each other's face, Luke was leaning towards her, thinking his amazing fantasies about her will happen but was stopped by Eliana who put her finger on his lips while raising an eyebrow.

"Are you trying to kiss me?" Her voice called out irritation.

"Um, no,' he said with a meekly smile. 'Crap, why do my hormones keep bothering me whenever she's around me?'

"Ugh, get off of me!", she said, trying to push him out of her way. "I'm just. . .gonna go home," her voice sounded dark and blankly and it clenched his heart to see her acting like that to him, "See you tomorrow, Luke."

She grabbed her stuff and her jacket, furiously zipping up. With a frown, she stepped out of the dojo and about to slide close the door, she peeked through door to see Luke–full of disappointment–getting up. Putting his weapons down, he was wrapping his wrists with white bandage then took his shirt off and wrapped his waist with white bandages. He's going to train solo tonight. The way his back flexed made her heart fluttered.

'Oh my god, why is he so handsome and hot at the same time?' she thought, feeling her cheeks burning up like a red tomato.


Eliana startled to see Kashimi behind her, holding a mug while holding up a confused look.

"Are you okay?

"Y-yeah, I'm totally fine," Eliana smiled nervously.

"Don't you have ninja training with Luke?"

'Why do I suddenly feel so nervous about hearing his name?' Eliana was trying to regain her cool and thought of an excuse until, "I'm about to go home."

"But you just got here for few minutes and you want to go home now?" Kashimi pointed out with an eyebrow raised.

"My mom called and she said it's urgent. Bye!" Eliana waved before heading for the entrance. She was scared that anyone knew about her crush on that boy who always flirts with her. To her, it's such a cliché thing.

Kashimi peeked through door, smirking at she was thinking as she saw Eliana left the lair.

'Oh, she must have seen that. Guess Luke has a chance to be with her,' Kashimi nodding her head, smirking.

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