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Harry Styles

What the fuck was that?

Where the fuck did that come from?

Why was I so weak and timid towards her? 

It's always the other way round.

Why did I feel like this?

Why couldn't I bring myself to move or look away from her eyes?

Why couldn't I help but feel weak at the knees?

I mean, when her hand brushed against mine and just grabbed the phone from my hand, i couldn't help but just let her take it from me.

My God-

A million thoughts ran through my head as she left, hearing her footsteps echo throughout the empty corridor she'd left me in. I let out a huge breath, honestly not knowing what I was feeling and ran my hand over my face, my cheeks feeling hot to the touch as my hand brushed against my skin. 

I pulled my head back up from the floor and looked over to the door that Sophia had just left through, probably back to her car to go home. 

I leaned my head back forcefully against the wall, a little too hard and wincing at the impact from the brick wall behind me. I sighed, looking up at the ceiling, I literally had a plan in my head, a rock solid one at that, but she had to ruin it. She always has to ruin things and sometimes in the perfect way.


Sophia Elliott

I laid in bed that night, my clock flashing 3:47am all around my room, it lighting up my room to that familiar red glow for a second every so often. My head was incessantly going over and over my interaction with Harry in the hall earlier. 

I had no idea how I gained the confidence that I did and had the capability to make Harry fucking Styles speechless, I really didn't think it could be done. However, here we are.

I sighed and turned onto my side, slamming my eyes shut to try and grasp on to any sleep I could. I had maybe 4 hours sleep in the last two days? I was beyond exhausted but my brain just wouldn't shut the fuck up, it especially not letting go my interaction with Harry earlier on today.

It was an odd experience, to say the least.

I felt powerful for once, I had control over him for a change and honestly that was nice, even if out of the ordinary. I couldn't stop thinking about how he felt pressed up against me, or rather me pressed against him, having all the control I wanted over him while he stayed silent. It felt amazing to finally shut him up, to be honest, even if that was how I had to do it. 

I'm definitely not complaining about the sudden burst of confidence I had, don't get me wrong it was nice to be in charge for a change and finally giving him a taste of his own medicine and showing him just how I feels when he can't stop himself acting the same way towards me.

My eyes fluttered open as I smirked at the though of Harry all flustered and confused alongside our physical contact. My mind thinking back to the sight of his bicep muscles' outline through his shirt as they flexed when he crossed his arms across his broad chest, while he stared at me, most likely noticing I was staring. 

Oh god, he definitely knew I was staring.

 My eyes widened at the thoughts running through my head. 

This isn't what I meant. 


I threw my body over in frustration to lie down on my opposite side as I slammed my eyes shut, forcing myself to try and sleep, I knew for a fact I needed it.

It's fine.

This is ridiculous.

I won't feel like this about him tomorrow.

I still think he's a complete prick.

I always will.

Even if he is attractive.

You know, if you like that sort of thing.

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