
44 4 0

Sophia Elliot

I walk into the coffee shop and look around for this little fucker. I flick my eyes all over the shop, not seeing him and I sigh, almost giving up. I roll my eyes, of course he decided to not fucking turn up and make me look like an idiot. 

I turn on my heels and place my hand on the handle of the door, going to push it open and just walk out but I hear a voice holler across the room and I stop dead in my tracks, my eyes slamming shut and a frustrated sigh escaping my lips as I threw my head back. 

"Babe! Where are you going? I'm here!" I take my hand away from the door and turn on my heels and turn to face where the sound was coming from. My eyes laid on Harry's as he smiled and waved me over. I looked away from his gaze as my eyes travelled over the room full of people that had stopped their conversations and stared my way as I was still stood at the door, frozen from Harry's outburst. 

My cheeks burned red, everyone's stares boring into me as I smiled sheepishly and averted my gaze back over to Harry as he still sat there with that same smile on his face, him standing up so I could see him better among the room full of people. 

I moved my feet and tried to get my body to move over to Harry's booth so I could at least move away from everyone's line of view as they slowly turned back around and the sound of nattering conversations once again filled the room and the attention was taken away from me as I visibly sighed with relief. 

I made a B-line straight for Harry and threw myself into the booth and took a deep shaky breath. My eyes met with Harry's bright green ones and his expression turned from cocky and proud to worried and concerned. 

He crinkled his eyebrows and looked over to me, crossing his arms on the table and leaning over to me and his eyes flashing with worry. "Are you okay?" He crinkled his eyebrows further and tilted his head to the side like a sad puppy. 

I brushed off his comment and took a deep breath and calmed myself down, placing my hands on my thighs and squeezing them, shaking my left leg up and down furiously, trying to steady my breathing but it didn't work, he just looked even more concerned. "Harry, I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth, trying not to cry even though there were tears that threatened to escape from my eyes but I blinked them away as best I could. 

"No you're not, look at you. You're about to cry." He looked at me even closer, placing his hand on the table in front of me, my eyes darting down to it as the sound of his rings clanging on the wooden table. His eyes flicked down to his hand on the table and he whipped it back, clearing his throat.

 "It's whatever, leave your problems at home, babe." His expression hardened and he ran his hand through his hair then flicking his nose with his index finger and whipping his gaze away from me. "Suck it up, princess, we've all got problems." He rolled his eyes and I scoffed as he bought his attention back to mine.

"You're such a prick, I don't even remember why I agreed to do this in the first place." I mumbled, leaning back in my seat as he flicked his eyes up and down my body and a smirk arrived on his face. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

"Because," he chuckled and shook his head, crossing his arms back over the table and leaning over to me. "You need my help, princess." He smirked and I just rolled my eyes in response, deep down knowing he was completely right. 

"Whatever, how are we doing this then, dickhead?" I rolled my eyes and and raised my eyebrows in sync with my question as his stupid fucking smirk grew and he ran his hand back through his hair. 

"Now, that's no way to talk to your boyfriend is it?" he leaned his head to the side and rasped with his husky voice, which he clearly did on purpose because he knew what it did to me. 

Don't look at me like that, he's an asshole but I guess he's moderately attractive, whatever.

I rolled my eyes at his comment, trying to make it seem as though I didn't care and wasn't affected at what he just said and the WAY he said it. I was about to protest and say he was wrong but It dawned on me that that's what this fucking was now. 

he was my 'boyfriend' as far as everyone knew. 

"Whatever, how is this going to work? I don't have all day, you know." I shook my head and prodded him for answer as he just sniffed in response and rubbed his nose with his index finger again, why does he do this so much? fucking hell, no wonder Louis picked it up from him. At this rate I fucking would as well.

"Well," he cleared his throat and leaned harder onto the table, raising his eyebrows. "We need to make everyone think we're in a relationship." He said matter-of-factly, as if I was stupid. What an asshole. "So-"

I just cut him off, making him scoff in response, as if he was asking himself where I had the audacity to interrupt him, making him tilt his head and raise his eyebrows. 

I just rolled my eyes at him and looked at him with a confused face at what he'd just said to me.

"Sorry, what the fuck do you mean 'everyone'? I thought this was just for my parents?" I furrowed my eyebrows and asked in a confused tone. He rolled his eyes at me and let out a frustrated grunt from the base of his throat, making my eyes almost widen in response, but I fought it and acted as if I wasn't affected by it in the slightest. My erratic heartbeat and sweaty palms tells me very differently. 

"Well, if we need to make it believable to your parents, we need to practice." I screwed my nose up in confusion and reciprocated his stance, leaning my arms on the table too now. He sighed and threw his hands up to his face and groaning again. After pulling his hands away from his face, he gave me a look of 'Are you fucking stupid?'. He rolled his eyes and carried on, "We need to practice at school."

"At school?"

He placed his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose and sighed, closing his eyes tightly. "Yes, keep up." He said in a frustrated tone, before snapping his eyes open and shooting me cold stare, not helping my erratic heartbeat problem because of him. "At school." He confirmed, placing his hand on the table, making me tear my gaze away from him and look at his hand, just making me glad I didn't have to hold eye contact with him anymore. He pointed his finger on the table to make a point, then moving his finger across the table, making another point after. "We need to practice in front of the boys and you need to definitely not tell your brother or Aria, understand?"

"Why can't I tell A-"

"I said, understand?" He pushed his hand down on the table with a force and I winced slightly at the sound of his hand slamming down on the table, making his expression soften slightly at concern fill his features at my wince but within mere seconds, this was gone and his expression was cold and hard again. Blink and you'd miss it. "You need to try and act as genuine as possible so your parents think it's real, if we tell the boys or Aria, we won't have to act because they'll know it's fake and then that doesn't help us practice to meet your parents does it?"

Okay, he had a point.

"Fine, I see your point." I sighed and unlaced my arms, throwing my self back against the seat with a huff, knowing he was right and he was really going to push this and rub it in my face, the whole fucking time.

"It's because I'm right," his mouth turned up into a smirk and he had a smug look on his face, making me roll my eyes, knowing full well he would relish in this shit. "I'm always right, and you know it." he shrugged his shoulders and his smug look never left his face. "Don't even bother denying it, babe." he winked at me and I am telling you now, I could have collapsed right there on the spot.

Again, just because I could not stand this guy, I cannot deny he was mildly attractive and he made me feel things, and I just knew that he knew he made me feel like this, the arrogant prick he was.

But this was fake, that's all it was. 

It was only to meet my parents.

It wouldn't be for long.

I can do this.

"So," he smirked and leaned back over the table. "You're my girlfriend now babe."

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