Part 6: Gadzooks

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Some time later we were just out side the park where the meetup was being held. There was a crowd around an area nearby and me and Lia knew thats where the Yogscast were, obviously. We had tried already for 10 minutes to get to them but we kept getting pushed and shoved out the way. Lia ended up being knocked right down by a large group of teenagers, eager to fanboy/girl. I wouldve had kicked them all if it wasnt for Lia who was running off in a strop. She was stomping off so fast her hair whipped about her back. 

''Lia! Where and what are you doing?'' I said calling after her. She then surprised me by turning around swiftly and giving me and deathly glare. I was legitimetly scared.

''Well its OBVIOUS were not gonna get anywhere near them. So im going back to the  hotel.'' She snapped. Ouch.

''What? We have'nt even been here for 15 minutes! Just think Lia, Duncan is right over there! God you have less impatience than a monkey.'' I snapped back. I was tired and my favourite people were right there- i was'nt going to let Lia ruin it for me and herself. Not when we came all this way. 

''Oh shutup! Fine.  Im going though if I get shoved down again.'' she said stomping back up to me. There was water on her cheek I noticed, is she crying? ''Are you crying Lia?'' I said my voice softening now with curiosity.''No. Why the hell would i be?''

I looked up, there was no sky. Just Light grey clouds covering the space above us. I then felt a cold drop on my forehead. Nonono please noooo.

''Oh crap. I think its starting to rain.'' I said staring up at the bright clouds.

''No! It can't, we're just here and the Yogscast are there! Do you think they will cancel and go home if the weather gets too bad?'' She asked in a worried tone, looking up at the clouds herself and blinking when a raindrop went in her eye.

''I dont know. But im not taking any risks.''I stuttered whilst grabbing Lia's arm and pulling her into the tight crowd. Nearby i could hear Simons laughter. Ohyes!

''Ree let go of me!'' Lia yelled trying to pry my cold hands from her wrist. At the same time i could feel the icy rain getting heavier. But it did'nt stop me moving, adrenaline pumping.''No Lia we're almost at the front!'' I said pulling her closer.

She huffed as we squeezed through the stuffed crowd.  ''Ree you're hurting me!'' I could hear Lia yelling behind me, but I was so close now i could see their colourful teeshirts, and each of their adorable haircuts. And thats when it hit me, quite literally. Some big guy in dirty sweats   had now whacked me with a great force onto the ground with his big side, and I ended up Pulling Lia down with me as I was still holding her wrist in a tight grip, although i wish i was'nt.

I let out a little yelp and braced myself for the fall onto the hard and dirty ground which I expected to have muddy puddles all around. Put the hit never came, and Lia did'nt fall on top of me with a crushing impact. I was floating above the ground, just barely touching it. What?

''Careful now.'' I heard someone say. I quickly looked down astonished and noticed two arms holding onto my waist and slowly lifting me up. I was pretty sure i was gawping with my mouth wide open like a fish. Behind me I heard a gasp and then giggle, Lia's.

Then going back into real time, I quickly whipped the hands away from my waist and turned round to face my saviour, only to find a dude with a paper bag on his head and gynormous black hoodie covering 3 quarters of his body. You can imagine how freaked out I was. It was like a guy from a scary story, or movie. 

''Are you okay?'' I heard a familliar voice come from the man, but i could'nt quite get it. I was still gawping at his sudden ninja skills, of catching me. Realising this I turned my gaze to Lia only to find her expression the same as mine. The man then cleared his throat and said ''Umm..'' 

''Oh my god. You just saved my life thankyou oh my god.'' I said stuttering quite quickly. The man then let out a small laugh, said it was okay,  and asked if I knew who he was, why would I? His face was covered in a paper bag and he was stuck in the crowd like the rest of us!

''Er, no I don't. But thanks for saving my life!'' I stammered quickly now retrieving Lia's arm again ready to brace the pushing and shoving once more. But before I could go the creepy guy spoke to us again quickly, and held onto my arm not letting me go.

''Wait a sec, you seriously dont know me? Great. The disguise must be working'' He said with a slight chuckle to his voice, I noticed he had a slight accent. I looked down at his hand gripping my now-getting-soaked-arm.

''Er..please..let go, seriously.'' I stammered once more, trying to shake his hand off of my arm. Lia unlatched my grip from hers and told him to let go too with a stern voice, we were as precautious as eachother.

''Geez, sorry. I did'nt want you to run away just yet. You're here to meet my friends right?'' He said quickly letting go of my frozen arm.

''Your friends? No no no were here to meet the Yogscast..'' I said my gaze going back to the Yogscast who were now packing up the remains of their merchandise and packing away cameras. No!

''Actually, the Yogscast are my friends. I can't believe you did'nt guess with this sexy accent. Im Nilesy. Know me?'' He said chuckling a bit and slowly lifting a part of the paper bag on his head enough to see his gorgeous grin. I recognized his scottish accent now, the soft tones to his words. I could feel my face flashing crimson like the fires of hell.

I must have blacked out for a least a second, because the next thing I new Nilesy was shouting up to the Yogscast to wait, he needed to talk to them. The guys obviously new it was nilesy because they let him right up close, dragging Lia and me, stunned, behind.

''Nilesy! Didn't think you'd come. Nice to see you- for once!'' Lewis said laughing whilst simon hugged his 'litte scottsman'. I must have looked pretty retarded as all of a sudden the remaining Yogscast  were all staring at me. Nilesy noticed and laughed.

''Yeah, quit staring at her guys. She's just a little stunned to be meeting us. Oh yeah, I didn't catch your name?''  He said turning to me with what I imagined his grin underneath the bag.

''Er..urmm..err...i..'' I only managed to mumble before Lia spurted out-


I felt like shrinking away, I was so nervous. Why should i be? Why was i? Maybe it was the fact i was standing next to the guys ive laughed over and spent many hours of my time watching, yet i could'nt even recognise one of my favourite members by his accent. Im so dumb. I quickly mumbled ''Yeah..Im Ree..weird name i know.''

''Nice to meet you guys, Im sure you know Im lewis this is simon, and thats sparkles and duncan.'' Lewis said smiling. ''Can i interest you in any Yogscast merch? You look like you could use a jumper or two seeing as your both soaked and shivering out of your mind.''

''YES!!'' Lia blurted out and suddenly hugging Lewis, then simon, then sparkles and duncan. I had to kind of pry her away from duncan.

After we got handed our free(!) Yogscast hoodies and teeshirts, Lewis and Simon exclaimed they had to get back to Yogtowers and edit this up and it was nice meeting us. We even got a picture with all of them.

Nilesy, stayed however. Staring at me through the holes in the bag with his big green eyes. If i wasnt stunned out of my mind Im pretty sure I would have melted on the spot and snogged him right there and then.

''Wanna go get a hot chocolate? Or coffee?'' Nilesy suddenly asked breaking me out of my daydream. Lia just giggled in a satisfied and happy way and I was able to send enough blood to my brain to be able to nod yes. So me and Lia not knowing our way around bristol followed Nilesy to a nearby Coffee shop. It was'nt as good as ours, but it was cute. I was so happy then. If i could've died right there and i woud've been perfectly content too, but unfortunetly, like i said before, life always throws the best its got at me whenever Im the slightest bit happy. So Im readying myself for the turmoil that's to come.

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