Part 13~ Maturity and brainlossity.

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Authors note! Okay, im super duper supremeo sorry. I know i have'nt updated in longer than forever. BNut i've been having exams and shizzle and ive never really had the time or the energy, BUT! I am here, my little chappees and im raraing to write. So yes, after many months here is the next part. Smiley face.

So i was dark, and i was alone. At the park. And it was raining. 

You probably want to know why, right? So After i had got home from work today, i was re-united by Luke and the girls, but also the regular boys. Tyler, Joey, and David. I was too tired to talk to anyone to be honest, but i had obediantly got a can of coke and sat with them in the den whilst Lia told them all about our weekend, apart from some of the darker parts. Luke could hardly believe we had met all of the yogscast. No matter how many times we said we honestly did. Lia then gave out the teeshirts we had promised to buy them, and we all settled down to watch a movie in the den. Luke took his regular place next to me, when he slid his arm around my shoulders. I quickly shuffled away so his arm hung loosely. I gave him an apoligetic look and tried to concentrate on the movie. When i failed to be able to watch i sighed and got up, leaving the room.

Just as i was about to head upstairs i heard my phone beep in my pocket. I took it out to find a text from Nilesy. Instantly my heart skipped a beat and a smile appeared on my tired face. It was just a simple text saying hey, but it still made me happy. I then settled down there and then in the hallway, leaning my back against a wall and began texting him. It was about 10 minutes later, when me and Nilesy wheer deep in conversation about what flavour poptarts where best, Luke came out of the den looking rather grumpy. 

''So, you little minx, whats wrong? You've been all grumpy and weird.'' He said taking a seat next to me. He suddenly felt very close to me.

''Nothing, im just tired. Really. It was a long weekend.'' I replied concentrating on my reply to Liam, telling him s'mores flavours were the best. ''Really? That's it?'' Luke said, glancing at my texting, i quickly hid my phone away and turned to face him. ''Yes thats it. Honestly.'' I huffed getting up and slouching off to the kitchen. Luke proceeded to follow me, and to be honest, it was quite annoying. ''Can i help you?'' I said as i reached into the fridge to get a bottle of water, i was starting to get the most awful headache. 

''Who are ya texting? You usually dont text anyone.'' Luke said grabbing a soda can and giving me a suspicious look. 

''It's Nilesy, actually, not that it's any of your business.'' I said glugging some of the cool water.

''Oh yeah sure...who is it really?'' Luke chuckled.

''What, you dont believe me?'' I said, suddenly infuriated. 

''No i just..Nilesy, really? So you two are friends now?'' He persisted.

''Will you quit it with the questions? Yes! We are friends!'' I said going out of the kitchen and back out into the hallyway, ready to stomp off upstairs. When suddenly Luke grabbed my wrist, looking at me intensly. ''Ree, whats really wrong?'' He asked, his tone soft. I glared at him, and then, my mood softened. I suddenly started to cry, out of exhaustion. I sat down on the stairs, and entwined my hand in his. In a totally friendly way. Luke clamped his hand round mine in return and sat down next to me, ready to listen. I then told him everything, in detail, or that i remembered of the weekend. How scared i was. How worried i was about Lia. How stupid she had been. I was almost finished when suddenly i heard someone clear their throat. It was Lia.

''Im stupid am i?'' She said flatly. ''Ever stop to think that i might want a little bit of danger in my life? Do you really think im too stupid to look after myself Ree?'' She said, suddenly starting to get angrier. She came closer, and continued whilst i could look at her, my mouth wide open. ''I did'nt NEED you to come and interven Ree. You were just acting immature as usual and ruined everything. I was having FUN. And you just ruined it. For fucks sake'' She said, almost yelling now. I suddenly felt bad, and stupid myself. I got up and tried to talk, but it came out chocked and quiet. ''Lia I did'nt think im..'' 

''No. You did'nt, you don't ever think Ree. Especially seeing as we agreed not to talk about the darker points of the weekend.'' She said getting right up to my face now. Luke got up suddenly, and started to talk. ''Lia, i know you feel angry but come on, it's clear the guy was going to rape you or something and-''

Before Luke could continue, Lia yelled on. ''ShutUP. Luke. I dont care about you or your stupid opinion, why are you even here anyways? It's clear Ree does'nt feel the same way about you that you do her. She likes Nilesy. Not you. Why don't you just quit following her around like a puppy dog already?'' She said, making Luke's face drop. He suddenly looked at me, and then back and Lia, and then he hung his head. He then whimpered ''I..i need to go.'' And before i could stop him, he was out of the house, slamming the door behind him. I looked at Lia.

''Why are you being such an absolute bitch?'' I asked Lia, suddenly feeling very angry at her. 

''I could say the same to you Relana.'' My eyes widened as she used my full name. It was almost comical. I could'nt think of anything else to say but ''You''re just jealous because Duncan did'nt talk to you or give you his number..'' I mumbled. Lia glared at me more, tutted and shook her head. She then said two words that made me want to cry untill there was nothing left of me. ''Fuck you.'' She said. And with that, i slammed out of the house myself in an angry manor, running down the freezing paths untill i got to the only peaceful place now. The park.

And that's where i am now, sitting sadly on a swing, my hands numb and coiled around the metal chains, holding on tight. I was'nt swinging, just swaying slowly in the chilling wind. I could'nt even feel the coldness, i was numb. Did Luke really like me? I was his best friend, and Lia had said all those awful things to him. 

What am i going to do now?

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